The Thomas Graham is one of three noble awards of the SCI/RSC consortium to recognize and honour contemporary outstanding researchers for their research on formulation and colloid science.
Talking to the Vietnam News Agency’s correspondents in the UK, Thanh said the Thomas Graham Award for colloidal science is a far-reaching recognition for the research in nano-materials technology that she has pursued throughout her 22-year career.
She expressed her hope that this award will encourage and inspire young scientists in general to pursue their dreams, and contribute to improving the prestige of Vietnamese intellectuals and scientists in the international scientific community.
Prof. Thanh is one of the world-renowned Vietnamese intellectuals, who is the first Vietnamese professor at UCL since 2013, and an academician of four specialised scientific institutes in the UK. With a long history of prestigious scientific achievements, Prof. Thanh has won many noble awards from prestigious scientific organisations and academies in the world. In February this year, she was awarded with the Distinguished Women in Chemistry/Chemical Engineering Awards of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)./.