Vietnamese puppeteers to perform in Cuba

A troupe from the Thang Long Water Puppetry of Vietnam will bring its fascinating shows to the Havana puppet festival, where they will perform from March 23-25, at the invitation of the Cuban Ministry of Culture.
A troupe from the Thang Long Water Puppetry of Vietnam will bring its fascinating shows to the Havana puppet festival, where they will perform from March 23-25, at the invitation of the Cuban Ministry of Culture.

Vietnamese Ambassador to Cuba Vu Chi Cong has said at a press briefing that the troupe’s shows will feature distinctive cultural characteristics of Vietnamese people through stories about the everyday, traditional life of Vietnamese farmers, dealing with topics such as hunting, fishing, and rice harvest.

Cong said that the Vietnamese troupe’s first ever presence at the Havana puppet festival will help Cuban people gain more understanding of Vietnam’s culture along with promote the traditional friendship between the two peoples.

Founded in 1969 with an initial group of about 20 puppeteers, the Thang Long Water Puppetry has performed in many countries over the world.-VNA

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