Vietnam’s National Day celebrated in Geneva

Vietnam’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations (UN), World Trade Organisation (WTO) and other international organisations in Geneva on September 17 hosted a banquet to celebrate the 76th anniversary of National Day of Vietnam (September 2).
Vietnam’s National Day celebrated in Geneva ảnh 1Ambassador Le Thi Tuyet Mai, head of Vietnam’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations (UN), World Trade Organisation (WTO) and other international organisations in Geneva, speaks at the event. (Photo: VNA)
Geneva (VNA) -  Vietnam’s Permanent Mission to the United Nations (UN), World Trade Organisation (WTO) and other international organisations in Geneva on September 17 hosted a banquet to celebrate the 76th anniversary of National Day of Vietnam (September 2).

The event saw the participation of UN High Commissioner for Human Rights Michelle Bachelet, WTO Director-General Okonjo-Iweala and Director General of the World International Property Organisation (WIPO) Daren Tang, among others.

Ambassador Le Thi Tuyet Mai, head of the Vietnamese mission, highlighted Vietnam’s noted socio-economic achievements over the past years, saying the country has completed almost millennium development goals (MDGs) and is pushing ahead with the implementation of sustainable development goals (SDGs) in accordance with the 2030 agenda.

The Vietnamese National Assembly and Government are resolved to realise the socio-economic development strategy for 2021-2030 approved at the 13th National Party Congress earlier this year, she said.

Regarding the COVID-19 combat, the ambassador thanked the valuable support of countries and international organisations to Vietnam, especially in accessing vaccine sources.

A number of countries, including Switzerland, have committed to sharing COVID-19 vaccines with Vietnam via the COVAX Facility which has, so far, provided Vietnam with around 12 million doses.

Mai also used the occasion to thank the UN Office, other international organisations and permanent missions of countries in Geneva, including the ASEAN Committee in Geneva, for their support to the Vietnamese mission.

The ambassador expressed her firm belief that by promoting multilateralism, international cooperation and cross-border solidarity, the international community will tackle negative impacts of the pandemic and establish a “new normal,” towards a better future.

Within the framework of the event, there was an exhibition displaying paintings and photos that feature the land and people of Vietnam. Guests were also treated to traditional Vietnamese music and dishes./.

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