Vietnam’s return to UNESCO Executive Board welcomed

President of the 41st session of the UNESCO General Conference Santiago Irazabal Mourao applauded Vietnam’s fifth-time election to the UNESCO Executive Board while talking about the outcomes of the session, which wrapped up on November 24.
Vietnam’s return to UNESCO Executive Board welcomed ảnh 1The meeting announcing the countries elected to the UNESCO Executive Board for 2021 - 2025 (Photo: VNA)

Paris (VNA) – President of the 41st session of the UNESCO General Conference Santiago Irazabal Mourao applauded Vietnam’s fifth-time election to the UNESCO Executive Board while talking about the outcomes of the session, which wrapped up on November 24.

Regarding the fifth time Vietnam has served as a member of the UNESCO Executive Board, for the 2021 - 2025 tenure, he told the Vietnam News Agency that Mourao said the board welcomes the country’s return to the UNESCO Executive Board.

He highlighted the diversity in terms of culture, history, and views Vietnam brings about. To UNESCO, cultural diversity, ideas and debates form the basic foundation for development, and that the country’s views will enrich debates at UNESCO forums.

Vietnam’s return to UNESCO Executive Board welcomed ảnh 2President of the 41st session of the UNESCO General Conference Santiago Irazabal Mourao. (Photo: VNA)

Like many other countries, Vietnam is facing a number of common challenges, but it will have its own solutions to common issues, he noted, expressing the willingness to listen to and learn from its experiences.

The President said the 41st session of the UNESCO General Conference was successful with the adoption of some historic measures, decisions, and resolutions. They included two important resolutions on the ethics of artificial intelligence and on open science./.


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