Vinh Phuc promotes agricultural processing industry

Besides its strength in industries, in recent years, the northern province of Vinh Phuc has maintained effective agricultural production with diverse farm produce and breeding products, requiring it to promote the agricultural product processing sector to enhance their value.
Vinh Phuc promotes agricultural processing industry ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: VNA)

Vinh Phuc (VNA) – Besides its strength in industries, in recent years, the northern province of Vinh Phuc has maintained effective agricultural production with diverse farm produce and breeding products, requiring it to promote the agricultural product processing sector to enhance their value.

The development of the processing industry is also expected to bring in opportunities for agricultural product processing firms to restructure their operation in the future.

During a recent national online conference on promoting the agricultural product processing sector and agricultural mechanization, leaders of the Government and central ministries and sectors defined that processing industry makes important contributions to the effective operation of enterprises, improving incomes for farmers and increasing State budget collection.

In Vinh Phuc, despite its strong industry sector, in processing, the province has yet to mark its name in the Vietnam’s processing map as exempting for an animal feed factory and a number of safe vegetable processing facilities, Vinh Phuc has had few processed agricultural brand names.

Recognising its unexploited potential and advantages in expanding the processing sector, in recent years, the province has designed various policies and mechanisms to encourage businesses to invest in the area.

Vinh Phuc has asked the agricultural sector to coordinate closely with localities across the province to remove obstacles facing the agriculture sector, farmers and enterprises investing in agriculture.

Meanwhile, the locality has actively sought and broadenedexport markets, while encouraging farmers and companies to stay active in applying high technologies in producing and processing agricultural products, thus providing customers with fresh, clean and safe farm produce.

Statistics showed that currently, the province is home to more than 1,300 agricultural product and food processing facilities, of which, 25 are processing enterprises and the rest are small-scaled facilities.

As part of its efforts to associate the agricultural product processing sector with trade promotion and market development, since 2013, Vinh Phuc has held a number of large-scaled agricultural trade promotion events and dozens of trade fairs and exhibitions, introducing major farm produce of the province to the domestic market and creating the connectivity in producing and selling of the products.

However, the economic values produced by the processing sector have remained low and have yet to match the potential and advantages of the province. Experts held that the reasons behind the situation include risk factors threatening the agricultural sector, including natural disasters, extreme weather conditions and pandemics.

Besides, some businesses wishing to invest in agriculture have faced difficulties in seeking areas to locate their projects as the areas are not included in the province’s planning scheme.

In order to cope with the issues, the province has focused on adjusting, supplementing and completing a number of policies to create favourable conditions for the growth of economic sectors, especially farmers and businesses to get easier access to land, capital resources and market, thus effectively investing in agricultural production.

Vinh Phuc has also designed a number of policies and mechanisms to attract more investment projects in agricultural processing.

Officials from the provincial Department of Planning and Investment said the provincial authorities will continue to push forward with administrative reform, focusing on streamlining administrative procedures to reduce time and costs for enterprises. Vinh Phuc will promote the application of information technology (IT) in administrative procedures with the goal of creating the best possible environment for production and business, thus enhancing the attraction of FDI and investment from society.

At the same time, attention will be paid to removing difficulties and obstacles faced by businesses in various fields, from business registration to business conditions, customs clearance and taxation.

During the period of social distancing to curb the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic, agencies in Vinh Phuc still maintained their connections with investors through many channels, providing them with consultations and latest information. The province has also intensified online investment promotion activities, so as to attract investors after the pandemic is put under control./.

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