VN, Azerbaijan urged to hold inter-governmental committee’s meeting

President Tran Dai Quang received Azerbaijani Ambassador to Vietnam Anar Imanov in Hanoi on September 21.
VN, Azerbaijan urged to hold inter-governmental committee’s meeting ảnh 1President Tran Dai Quang (R) welcomes Azerbaijani Ambassador to Vietnam Anar Imanov (Source: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – President Tran Dai Quang received Azerbaijani Ambassador to Vietnam Anar Imanov in Hanoi on September 21, during which he urged the early organisation of the first meeting of their inter-governmental committee on economic-trade and scientific-technological cooperation.

He affirmed that the committee is an important mechanism to deepen the bilateral ties on the basis of trusted political cooperation and growing two-way trade.

Speaking of Azerbaijan’s abundant natural resources and progresses in several industries, especially the oil and gas field, the President asked Azerbaijan to create favourable conditions to help the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group participate in oil and gas exploration and exploitation projects in the country.

The two sides should study and soon sign an agreement on education and training to further tighten cooperation in this area, he suggested.

He also took the occasion to convey his invitation to visit Vietnam to Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev.

The ambassador said that the Vietnamese people who used to study or work in Azerbaijan play an important role in consolidating the traditional relations between the two countries.

Potential in economic and trade cooperation has yet to be tapped fully, the diplomat stated, wishing that Vietnam will open its embassy in Baku capital in order to promote bilateral collaboration in economics, trade, culture and tourism.

He expressed his belief that the first meeting of the inter-governmental committee, scheduled for this October, will open up new cooperative opportunities for both sides.-VNA


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