Watercolours paint a picture

"Watercolour is a language, an instrument. It is the way to share what I feel about life," said internationally known American artist Stan Miller at the first large-scale watercolour exhibition held in Hanoi by the Vietnam International Watercolour Society (IWS).
"Watercolour is a language, an instrument. It is the way to share what I feel about life," said internationally known American artist Stan Miller at the first large-scale watercolour exhibition held in Hanoi by the Vietnam International Watercolour Society (IWS).

The show, which opened on April 11 at Hang Da Galleria in Hoan Kiem district, attracted 51 painters from 22 countries around the world.

Vietnam had 15 entrants, including Bui Duy Khanh, whose specialty is the sea.

A total of 90 paintings are on display.

Visitors, earlier, were treated to displays by four outstanding painters – China's Liu Yi, the US's Stan Miller, Turkish-Canadian and IWS founder Atanur Dogan, and Thailand's Direk Kingnok.

The viewers, mostly students from local art universities and colleges, gathered in silent groups to observe each painter.

Sometimes, when the artists paused to mix their paints, they answered questions from the audience.

Miller, who is an award winner from the American Watercolour Society, quickly produced a black and white image of a young boy and then started adding colours.

"I never use the same brush. Different brushes are used for every painting. You have to learn to control the brush, as it is liked riding a motorcycle," he told one of the students.

The exhibition will run until April 15.

IWS is a Turkish-based non-profit watercolour society established in 2012. Vietnam became a member in May, 2014.-VNA

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