White House team to leave for Singapore to prepare for US-DPRK Summit

A White House team will leave for Singapore this weekend as scheduled to prepare for a possible summit between US President Donald Trump and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) leader Kim Jong Un, the White House announced on May 26.
White House team to leave for Singapore to prepare for US-DPRK Summit ảnh 1A man watches a news report on US President Donald Trump and DPRK leader Kim Jong Un in Seoul on May 25 (Photo: AFP/VNA)

Washington (VNA) - A White House team will leave for Singapore this weekend as scheduled to prepare for a possible summit between US President Donald Trump and Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK) leader Kim Jong Un, the White House announced on May 26.

On the same day, Politico magazine reported that an advance team of 30 White House and State Department officials were preparing to depart for Singapore later this weekend.

On May 25, President Trump said that Washington is having very productive talks with Pyongyang and both sides want the summit to take place as scheduled on June 12 in Singapore, although he had called off the meeting one day earlier.

Preparations for the historical meeting are being conducted. On May 23, the UN Security Council sanctions committee approved the travel of DPRK officials to Singapore for the US-DPRK Summit.-VNA

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