Winners of 2021 Literature Awards announced

The Vietnam Writers’ Association has announced the winners of the 2021 Literature Awards, spread across four categories: Theory and Critics, Poetry-Prose, Children’s Literature, and Translation. Author Truong Dang Dung won the Theory And Critics category for his research on literary texts and the instability of meaning.
Winners of 2021 Literature Awards announced ảnh 1"Mua Tieu hoc cuoi cung"(The Final Year Of Primary School) by author Le Van Nghia. (Photo courtesy of the publisher)

Hanoi (VNA) — The Vietnam Writers’ Association has announced the winners of the 2021 Literature Awards, spread across four categories: Theory and Critics, Poetry-Prose, Children’s Literature, and Translation.

Author Truong Dang Dung won the Theory And Critics category for his research on literary texts and the instability of meaning.

In the Poetry-Prose category, writer Nguyen Binh Phuong was honoured for the novel Mot vi du xoang (A Mediocre Example).

The Children’s Literature prize went to Mua tieu hoc cuoi cung (The Final Year Of Primary School) by author Le Van Nghia.

Translator Ha The Giang was named winner in the Translation category for his translation of the novel ‘Out of Africa’ by Isak Dinesen.

Each winner will be awarded a certificate of honour and a cash prize of 20 million VND (867 USD).

The 2021 Literature Award Ceremony will be held on February 14 at the headquarters of the Vietnam Writers' Association in Hanoi.

In a related move, chairman of the association Nguyen Quang Thieu, on behalf of the executive board of the association, sent a letter to the Literature and Art Associations of provinces and cities, on the organisation of the 20th Vietnam Poetry Day with the theme "Hay song và hy vong" (Let's Live and Hope).

The association announced that this event will not be held at the Van Mieu-Quoc Tu Giam (the Temple of Literature) Complex as usual, but instead take place online. Provinces and cities will organise the best and safest way to celebrate Poetry Day, based on the specific pandemic situation in their locality./.


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