Winning over World Cup champion, GM Le Quang Liem to face “chess king"

Grandmaster Le Quang Liem beat 2021 FIDE World Cup champion Jan-Krzysztof Duda for the second time in four months at the FTX Crypto Cup on August 18.
Winning over World Cup champion, GM Le Quang Liem to face “chess king" ảnh 1Liem beats Duda 2.5-0.5(Photo:  chess24)
Hanoi (VNA) – Grandmaster Le Quang Liem beat 2021 FIDE World Cup champion Jan-Krzysztof Duda for the second time in four months at the FTX Crypto Cup on August 18.

After the victory, which helped him bag a reward of 7,500 USD, the grandmaster will face “chess king” Magnus Carlsen in the fourth round of the tournament.

Winning over World Cup champion, GM Le Quang Liem to face “chess king" ảnh 2Liem is ranked sixth with three points (Photo: VNA)
Four months ago at the Oslo Esports Cup, Liem defeated Jan-Krzysztof Duda 4-2. However, he came second at the tournament as he was one point behind Duda. At that tournament, Liem shocked the world as he defeated both "chess king" Magnus Carlsen and World Cup champion Jan-Krzysztof Duda.

FTX Crypto Cup 2022 is taking place from August 15-28 in Miami. Currently, Liem is ranked sixth with three points. Meanwhile, Carlsen is leading with nine points./.

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