Women of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia cooperate for green, sustainable development

A forum themed “Women of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia promote international cooperation and integration for green and sustainable development in a COVID-19 world” was held in a hybrid format in Hanoi, Vientiane (Laos) and Phnom Penh (Cambodia) on September 28.
Women of Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia cooperate for green, sustainable development ảnh 1Delegates attend the forum. (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) – A forum themed “Women of Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia promote international cooperation and integration for green and sustainable development in a COVID-19 world” was held in a hybrid format in Hanoi, Vientiane (Laos) and Phnom Penh (Cambodia) on September 28.

The forum, initiated by the Vietnam Women’s Union (VWU), offered a chance for delegates to exchange experience and initiatives to promote the role of women in green and sustainable development and strengthen cooperation in this field.

In her opening remarks, VWU President Ha Thi Nga said that this was an important event among a series of activities to celebrate the Vietnam-Laos Friendship and Solidarity Year, and the Vietnam-Cambodia Friendship Year 2022.

Women are not only subject to many negative impacts of global climate change, environmental pollution, diseases, especially the COVID-19 pandemic, but also active factors in environmental protection, climate change adaptation and reduction of its impacts, thus contributing to green, inclusive and sustainable development.

However, the reality showed that the role of women in environmental protection, climate change adaptation and economic development, especially green economy, has not been fully recognised and promoted due to gender preconceptions.

Nga took this occasion to call on women of the three countries to unite and cooperate to protect the environment, for a life in harmony with the nature and a more sustainable future.

Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and President of the Cambodian Women for Peace and Development (CWPD) Men Sam An stressed that climate change, natural disasters and environmental pollution have had strong impacts on all aspects of the socio-economic life, with women and children among the most vulnerable.

These impacts need overall, long-term and sustainable solutions, requiring the engagement of all people, she stressed, adding that green and sustainable development is considered as a solution to boost socio-economic development, reduce risks for the society, and make the social life stable again.

President of the Laos Women’s Union Inlavan Keobounphan expressed her belief that with the increasing regional and international integration, women of the three countries will continue to nurture their friendship for the benefits of their people, and contributing to peace, friendship and cooperation.

UN Women Chief Representative in Vietnam Elisa Fernandez stressed that policies and programmes on climate, environmental and disaster risks must put women and girls at the centre of the decision-making process.

She proposed the three countries continue to consider opportunities and challenges, and empower women and girls to help them have an equal voice and influence in the decision-making process related to climate change and sustainability, thereby promoting gender equality and sustainable development./.

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