Over 163,000 new stock trader accounts created during March

More than 163,000 new stock trader accounts were created during March this year, an increase of over 50,000 accounts compared to January, marking March the month with the most accounts created in the last six months.

According to the Vietnam Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation, the vast majority of accounts were individual traders, with the only exceptions of 97 accounts created by institutional traders.

March also marked the fourth consecutive month the corporation reported an increase in domestic trader accounts.

The number of accounts held by foreign traders increased by 218 during the month, with individuals accounting for 212 accounts and institutions for 6 accounts.

As of the end of March 2024, Vietnam had over 7.6 million individual securities accounts, equivalent to about 7.6% of the population.

The average trading volume of the Vietnamese stock market exceeded 1 billion shares per day during the period, with the average trading value reaching over 1.05 billion USD daily./.