11th Party Congress announces CPVCC members

The 11th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) on January 18 elected 175 official members and 25 alternate members to CPV Central Committee (CPVCC) for the 11th tenure.

The 11th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam (CPV) on January 18 elected 175 official members and 25 alternate members to CPV Central Committee (CPVCC) for the 11th tenure.

The following is the list of the official members of the 11th CPVCC:

1. Hoang Tuan Anh, member of the CPVCC and Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism

2. Le Hong Anh, Politburo member of the CPVCC and General and Minister of Public Security

3. Le Thi Thu Ba, member of the CPVCC, member of the National Assembly (NA)’s Standing Committee and Chairwoman of the NA Committee for Justice

4. Ha Ban, Secretary of the Kon Tum Provincial Party Committee

5. Bui Quang Ben, Secretary of the Kien Giang Provincial Party Committee

6. Duong Thanh Binh, Secretary of the Ca Mau Provincial Party Committee

7. Nguyen Hoa Binh, Secretary of the Quang Ngai Provincial Party Committee

8. Nguyen Thai Binh, member of the CPVCC, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs and Director of the Vietnamese Government’s Committee for Religious Affairs

9. Nguyen Thanh Binh, Secretary of the Ha Tinh Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Ha Tinh Provincial People’s Council

10. Nguyen Van Binh, Deputy Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam

11. Phan Thanh Binh, alternate member of the CPVCC, member of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee and Director of the Ho Chi Minh City National University

12. Truong Hoa Binh, member of the CPVCC and Chief of the Supreme People’s Court

13. Luong Ngoc Binh, Secretary of the Quang Binh Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Quang Binh Provincial People’s Council

14. Huynh Minh Chac, Secretary of the Hau Giang Provincial Party Committee

15. Le Chiem, Major General, Commander of Military Zone 5 of the Ministry of National Defence

16. Do Van Chien, alternate member of the CPVCC, Deputy Secretary of the Tuyen Quang Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Tuyen Quang Provincial People’s Committee

17. Ha Ngoc Chien, Secretary of the Cao Bang Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Cao Bang Provincial People’s Council

18. Vo Minh Chien, member of the CPVCC, Secretary of the Soc Trang Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Soc Trang Provincial People’s Council

19. Mai Van Chinh, alternate member of the CPVCC and Secretary of the Long An Provincial Party Committee

20. Pham Minh Chinh, Lieutenant General, Deputy Minister of Public Security

21. Pham Thi Hai Chuyen, member of the CPVCC and permanent Vice Director of the CPVCC’s Commission for Inspection

22. Nguyen Thanh Cung, member of the CPVCC, Lieutenant General, Vice Director of the General Politics Department of the Vietnam People’s Army

23. Dinh Van Cuong, member of the CPVCC and permanent Vice Director of the Northwest Steering Committee

24. Ha Hung Cuong, member of the CPVCC and Minister of Justice

25. Luong Cuong, Lieutenant General, Political Commissar of Military Zone 3 of the Ministry of National Defence

26. Nguyen Quoc Cuong, member of the CPVCC and President of the Vietnam Farmers Association

27. Nguyen Xuan Cuong, Secretary of the Bac Kan Provincial Party Committee

28. Nguyen Thi Doan, member of the CPVCC and Vice State President

29. Ngo Van Du, member of the CPVCC’s Secretariat and Head of the CPVCC Office

30. Dao Ngoc Dung, member of the CPVCC and Secretary of the Yen Bai Provincial Party Committee

31. Dinh Tien Dung, Secretary of the Ninh Binh Provincial Party Committee

32. Mai Tien Dung, Vice Secretary of the Ha Nam Provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the Ha Nam Provincial People’s Committee

33. Nguyen Chi Dung, Secretary of the Ninh Thuan Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Ninh Thuan Provincial People’s Committee

34. Nguyen Tan Dung, Politburo member of the CPVCC and Prime Minister

35. Phan Xuan Dung, alternate member of the CPVCC and Vice Chairman of the NA Committee for Science, Technology and Environment

36. Tran Tri Dung, Secretary of the Tra Vinh Provincial Party Committee

37. Trinh Dinh Dung, member of the CPVCC and Deputy Minister of Construction

38. Vo Van Dung, alternate member of the CPVCC and Secretary of the Bac Lieu Provincial Party Committee

39. Mai The Duong, member of the CPVCC and Vice Director of the CPVCC Commission for Inspection

40. Vu Duc Dam, alternate member of the CPVCC and Secretary of the Quang Ninh Provincial Party Committee

41. Tran Don, Major General, Deputy Commander cum Chief of Staff of Military Zone 7 of the Ministry of National Defence

42. Le Huu Duc, Lieutenant General and Deputy Minister of National Defence

43. Pham Xuan Duong, Secretary of the Thai Nguyen Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Thai Nguyen Provincial People’s Committee

44. Lo Van Giang, Secretary of the Lai Chau Provincial Party Committee

45. Nguyen Van Giau, member of the CPVCC and Governor of the State Bank of Vietnam

46. Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, Deputy Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee

47. Pham Hong Ha, Secretary of the Nam Dinh Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Nam Dinh Provincial People’s Council

48. Hoang Trung Hai, member of the CPVCC and Deputy Prime Minister

49. Le Thanh Hai, Politburo member of the CPVCC and Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee

50. Nguyen Duc Hai, Secretary of the Quang Nam Provincial Party Committee

51. Tran Luu Hai, member of the CPVCC and Vice Director of the CPVCC Commission for Organisation

52. Tran Van Hang, member of the CPVCC and Vice Director of the CPVCC Commission for Popularisation and Education

53. Phung Quoc Hien, member of the CPVCC and member of the NA Standing Committee and Chairman of the NA Committee for Finance and Budget

54. Nguyen Van Hien, member of the CPVCC and Vice Admiral and Commander of the Vietnam People’s Army (VPA) Navy and Deputy Minister of National Defence

55. Dang Van Hieu, member of the CPVCC, Lieutenant General and Deputy Minister of Public Security

56. Duong Duc Hoa, Major General, Commander of Military Zone 2 of the Ministry of National Defence

57. Nguyen Thi Thanh Hoa, member of the CPVCC and President of the Vietnam Women’s Union

58. Phuong Minh Hoa, member of the CPVCC, Lieutenant General, Commander of the VPA Air Defence and Airforce of the Ministry of National Defence

59. Bui Thi Minh Hoai, alternate member of the CPVCC and permanent Vice President of the Vietnam Farmers Association

60. Vu Huy Hoang, member of the CPVCC and Minister of Industry and Trade

61. Vu Ngoc Hoang, member of the CPVCC and Vice Director of the CPVCC Commission for Popularisation and Education

62. Vuong Dinh Hue, member of the CPVCC and Auditor General of the State Audit of Vietnam

63. Nguyen Sinh Hung, Politburo member of the CPVCC and Permanent Deputy Prime Minister

64. Pham Xuan Hung, member of the CPVCC, Lieutenant-General, Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army.

65. Tran Quoc Huy, Secretary of the Dak Nong Provincial Party Committee

66. Dinh The Huynh, member of the CPVCC, Editor-in-Chief of the Nhan dan (People) newspaper

67. Nguyen Tan Hung, member of the CPVCC, Secretary of the Binh Phuoc Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Binh Phuoc Provincial People’s Council

68. Thuan Huu, deputy Editor-in-Chief of the Nhan dan newspaper

69. Nguyen Tuan Khanh, member of the CPVCC, Deputy Director of the CPVCC Commission for Organisation

70. Nguyen Doan Khanh, Secretary of the Phu Tho Provincial Party Committee

71. Truong Quang Khanh, member of the CPVCC, Lieutenant General, Deputy Minister of National Defence

72. Ha Thi Khiet, Secretary of the CPVCC, Director of the CPVCC Commission for Mass Mobilisation

73. Phung Thanh Kiem, Secretary of the Lang Son Provincial Party Committee

74. Vu Trong Kim, member of the CPVCC, Deputy President and General Secretary of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Central Committee

75. To Lam, Lieutenant-General, Deputy Minister of Public Security

76. Ngo Xuan Lich, member of the CPVCC, Lieutenant General, Vice Director of the General Politics Department of the Vietnam People’s Army

77. Dao Tan Loc, member of the CPVCC, Secretary of the Phu Yen Provincial Party Committee, Chair of the Phu Yen Provincial People’s Council

78. Pham Vu Luan, Minister of Education and Training

79. Uong Chu Luu, member of the CPVCC, Deputy Chairman of the National Assembly

80. Truong Thi Mai, member of the CPVCC, member of the National Assembly’s Standing Committee, Chairwoman of the NA’s Committee for Social Affairs

81. Tran Thanh Man, alternate member of the CPVCC, Deputy Secretary of the Can Tho Municipal Party Committee and Chairman of the Can Tho Municipal People’s Committee

82. Chau Van Minh, Director of the Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology

83. Nguyen Tuan Minh, member of the CPVCC, Secretary of the Ba Ria-Vung Tau Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Ba Ria-Vung Tau Provincial People’s Committee

84. Pham Binh Minh, member of the CPVCC, permanent Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

85. Tran Binh Minh, Deputy General Director of Vietnam Television

86. Tran Van Minh, Deputy Secretary of the Da Nang Municipal Party Committee and Chairman of the Da Nang Municipal People’s Committee

87. Bui Van Nam , Lieutenant-General, Deputy Minister of Public Security

88. Nguyen Phuong Nam , Major-General, Deputy Commander and Chief of the Staff of Military Zone 9 of the Ministry of National Defence

89. Nguyen Van Nen, Secretary of the Tay Ninh Provincial Party Committee

90. Nguyen Thi Kim Ngan, member of the CPVCC, Minister of Labour, War Invalids and Social Affairs

91. Pham Quang Nghi, Politburo member of the CPVCC, Secretary of the Hanoi Party Committee

92. Truong Quang Nghia, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Centrally-run Businesses’ Sector

93. Pham Quy Ngo, Lieutenant-General, Deputy Minister of Public Security, Head of Police Investigation Agency of the Ministry of Public Security

94. Ho Mau Ngoat, Deputy Head of the CPVCC Office

95. Tran The Ngoc, Secretary of the Tien Giang Provincial Party Committee

96. Nguyen Thien Nhan, member of the CPVCC, Deputy Prime Minister

97. Ha Son Nhin, member of the CPVCC, Secretary of the Gia Lai Provincial Party Committee

98. Mai Van Ninh, Secretary of the Thanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee, Chair of the Thanh Hoa Provincial People’s Council

99. Vu Van Ninh, member of the CPVCC, Minister of Finance

100. Nguyen Thi Nuong, member of the CPVCC, Vice Director of the CPVCC Commission for Mass Mobilisation

101. Nguyen Dinh Phach, member of the CPVCC, Vice Director of the CPVCC Commission for Inspection

102. Cao Duc Phat, member of the CPVCC, Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development

103. Mai Quang Phan, member of the CPVCC, Lieutenant-General, Political Commissar of Military Zone 4 of the Ministry of National Defence

104. Nguyen Thanh Phong, Secretary of the Ben Tre Provincial Party Committee

105. Tong Thi Phong, Secretary of the CPVCC, Deputy Chairwoman of the National Assembly

106. Le Huu Phuc, member of the CPVCC, Secretary of the Quang Tri Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Quang Tri Provincial People’s Council

107. Nguyen Hanh Phuc, Secretary of the Thai Binh Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Thai Binh Provincial People’s Council

108. Nguyen Xuan Phuc, member of the CPVCC, Minister-Chairman of the Government Office

109. Vo Van Phuong, alterate member of the CPVCC, Deputy Secretary of the Tay Ninh Provincial Party Committee

110. Giang Seo Phu, member of the CPVCC, Minister-Chairman of the Committee for Ethnic Minorities

111. Ksor Phuoc, member of the CPVCC, Chairman of the National Assembly Council of Ethnic Affairs

112. Le Thanh Quang, Secretary of the Khanh Hoa Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Khanh Hoa Provincial People’s Council

113. Nguyen Minh Quang, member of the CPVCC, Secretary of the Party Committee of the centrally-run agency sector

114. Tran Dai Quang, member of the CPVCC, Lieutenant General, Deputy Minister of Pubic Security

115. Hoang Binh Quan, member of the CPVCC, Director of the CPVCC Commission for External Relations

116. Le Hoang Quan, member of the CPVCC, Deputy Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Municipal Party Committee and Chair of the Ho Chi Minh Municipal People’s Committee

117. Nguyen Quan, permanent Deputy Minister of Science and Technology

118. Nguyen Tan Quyen, member of the CPVCC, Secretary of the Can Tho Municipal Party Committee and Chair of the Can Tho Municipal People’s Council

119. Bui Thanh Quyen, member of the CPVCC, Secretary of the Hai Duong Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Hai Duong Provincial People’s Council

120. Nguyen Van Quynh, member of the CPVCC, Vice Director of the CPVCC Commission for Organisation

121. To Huy Rua, Politburo member, Secretary of the CPVCC, Director of the CPVCC Commission for Popularisation and Education

122. Truong Tan Sang, Politburo member of the CPVCC, permanent member of the CPVCC’s Secretariat

123. Phan Van Sau, Secretary of the An Giang Provincial Party Committee

124. Nguyen Bac Son, member of the CPVCC, Vice Director of the CPVCC Commission for Popularisation and Education

125. Ho Xuan Son, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

126. Huynh Ngoc Son, member of the CPVCC, Vice Chairman of the National Assembly

127. Nguyen Thanh Son, alternate member of the CPVCC, Deputy Secretary of the Kien Giang Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Kien Giang Provincial People’s Committee

128. Thao Xuan Sung, member of the CPVCC, Secretary of the Son La Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Son La Provincial People’s Council

129. Le Vinh Tan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Dong Thap province

130. Ta Ngoc Tan, member of the CPVCC, Editor-in-Chief of Tap Chi Cong San (Communist Review)

131. Ngo Thi Doan Thanh, Vice Secretary of the Hanoi Municipal Party Committee and Chair of the Hanoi Municipal People’s Council

132. Nguyen Ba Thanh, member of the CPVCC, Secretary of the Da Nang Municipal Party Committee and Chair of the Da Nang Municipal People’s Council

133. Phung Quang Thanh, Politburo member of the CPVCC, General, Minister of National Defence

134. Nguyen Van Thanh, Secretary of the Hai Phong Municipal Party Committee

135. Tran Dinh Thanh, member of the CPVCC, Secretary of the Dong Nai Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Dong Nai Provincial People’s Council

136. Nguyen The Thao, member of the CPVCC, Deputy Secretary of the Hanoi Municipal Party Committee and Chair of the Hanoi Municipal People’s Committee

137. Dinh La Thang, member of the CPVCC, Chairman of the Vietnam National Oil and Gas Group

138. Nguyen Xuan Thang, Vice Director of the Vietnam Academy of Social Science

139. Son Minh Thang, member of the Tra Vinh Provincial Party Committee and Vice Chair of the Tra Vinh Provincial People’s Council

140. Dao Trong Thi, member of the CPVCC, member of the National Assembly Standing Committee and Chairman of the NA Committee for Culture, Education, Youth and Children

141. Nguyen Ngoc Thien, Secretary of the Thua Thien-Hue Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Thua Thien-Hue Provincial People’s Council

142. Nguyen Van Thien, Secretary of the Binh Dinh Provincial Party Committee

143. Dang Thi Ngoc Thinh, alternate member of the CPVCC, Secretary of the Vinh Long Provincial Party Committee

144. Nguyen Van Thong, Deputy Secretary of Hung Yen Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Hung Yen Provincial People’s Committee

145. Nie Thuat, member of the CPVCC, Secretary of the Dak Lak Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Dak Lak Provincial People’s Council

146. Vo Van Thuong, alternate member of the CPVCC, First Secretary of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union Central Committee

147. Huynh Van Ti, member of the CPVCC, Secretary of the Binh Thuan Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Binh Thuan Provincial People’s Council

148. Nguyen Thi Kim Tien, alternate member of the CPVCC, Deputy Minister of Public Health

149. Nguyen Xuan Tien, Permanent Vice Secretary of the Lam Dong Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Lam Dong Provincial People’s Council

150. Bui Van Tinh, Vice Secretary of the Hoa Binh Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Hoa Binh Provincial People’s Committee

151. Phan Dinh Trac, Secretary of the Nghe An Provincial Party Committee

152. Huynh Phong Tranh, member of the CPVCC, Secretary of the Lam Dong Provincial Party Committee 153. Lo Mai Trinh, Secretary of the Party Committee of Dien Bien province 154. Nguyen Phu Trong, Politburo member of the CPVCC and Chairman of the National Assembly 155. Dao Viet Trung, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs

156. Mai The Trung, member of the CPVCC, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Binh Duong province
157. Nguyen The Trung, member of the CPVCC, Vice Permanent Director of the CPVCC Commission for Mass Mobilisation
158. Vo Tien Trung, Lieutenant General, Director of the Vietnam National Defence Academy of the Ministry of National Defence
159. Mai Truc, Vice Director of the CPVCC Commission for Inspection
160. Be Xuan Truong, Major-General, Commander of Military Zone 1 – Ministry of National Defence
161. Tran Cam Tu, alternate member of the CPVCC, member of the CPVCC Commission for Inspection
162. Nong Quoc Tuan, Secretary of the Party Committee of Bac Giang province
163. Dang Ngoc Tung, member of the CPV CC, President of the Vietnam General Confederation of Labour
164. Tran Van Tuy, Deputy Secretary of the Bac Ninh Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Bac Ninh Provincial People’s Committee
165. Do Ba Ty, member of the CPVCC, Lieutenant General, Chief of the General Staff of the Vietnam People’s Army, Deputy Minister of National Defence
166. Nguyen Huu Van, Secretary of the Party Committee of Lao Cai Province
167. Nguyen Sang Vang, Secretary of the Tuyen Quang Provincial Party Committee and Chair of the Tuyen Quang Provincial People’s Council
168. Nguyen Hoang Viet, member of the CPVCC, Vice Director of the CPVCC Commission for Organisation
169. Vo Trong Viet, Lieutenant General, political commissar of the Borderguard Force of the Ministry of National Defence
170. Bui Quang Vinh, member of the CPVCC, Deputy Minister of Planning and Investment
171. Trieu Tai Vinh, alternate member of the CPVCC, Secretary of the Party Committee of Ha Giang province
172. Nguyen Chi Vinh, Lieutenant General, Deputy Minister of National Defence
173. Pham Van Vong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Vinh Phuc province
174. Le Quy Vuong, Lieutenant-General, Deputy Minister of Public Security
175. Tran Quoc Vuong, member of the CPVCC and Director of the Supreme People’s Procuracy.

The following is the list of the alternate members of the 11th CPVCC: 

1. Chu Ngoc Anh, Deputy Minister of Science and Technology
2. Nguyen Xuan Anh, member of the Da Nang municipal Party Standing Committee, Secretary of the Lien Chieu district Party Committee, Da Nang city
3. Tat Thanh Cang, member of the Ho Chi Minh City Party Committee, Secretary of the District Party Committee and Chairman of the People’s Committee of Ho Chi Minh City’s District 2
4. Nguyen Tan Cuong, Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff of Army Corps No. 1, Ministry of National Defence
5. Bui Van Cuong, Deputy Secretary of the Gia Lai provincial Party Committee
6. Nguyen Phu Cuong, member of the Dong Nai Provincial Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Bien Hoa municipal Party Committee and Chairman of the Bien Hoa municipal People’s Committee, Dong Nai province
7. Nguyen Cong Dinh, member of the Ben Tre Provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Mo Cay Nam district Party Committee and Chairman of the Mo Cay Nam district People’s Council, Ben Tre province
8. Tran Hong Ha , Deputy Minister of Natural Resources and Environment
9. Ngo Dong Hai, member of the Binh Dinh Provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Hoai An district Party Committee, Binh Dinh province
10. Dieu Kre, alternate member of the CPVCC, member of the Dak Nong provincial Party Committee Standing Board and Secretary of the Gia Nghia town Party Committee, Dak Nong province
11. Hau A Lenh, alternate member of the CPVCC, member of the Lao Cai provincial Party Committee Standing Board and Secretary of the Sa Pa district Party Committee, Lao Cai province
12. Bh’Riu Liec, member of the Quang Nam provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Tay Giang district Party Committee, Quang Nam province
13. Nguyen Hong Linh, alternate member of the CPVCC, Deputy Secretary of the Ba Ria-Vung Tau provincial Party Committee
14. Lam Van Man, member of the Soc Trang provincial Party Committee and Secretary of the Chau Thanh district Party Committee, Soc Trang province
15. Pham Hoai Nam, Deputy Commander and Chief of Staff of Military Zone 4, Naval Force, the Ministry of National Defence
16. Nguyen Thanh Nghi, Vice Rector of Ho Chi Minh City University of Architecture
17. Phung Xuan Nha, member of the Hanoi Party Committee and Vice Director of Hanoi National University
18. Tran Luu Quang, member of the Tay Ninh provincial Party Committee, Secretary of the Trang Bang district Party Committee, Tay Ninh province
19. Nguyen Thi Thanh, member of the Ninh Binh provincial Party Committee Standing Board, Director of the Ninh Binh provincial Party Committee Commission for Mass Mobilisation
20. Tran Sy Thanh, Deputy Secretary of the Dak Lak provincial Party Committee
21. Nguyen Van The, member of the Dong Thap provincial Party Committee Standing Board and Secretary of the Tan Hong district Party Committee, Dong Thap province
22. Nguyen Khac Toan, member of the Khanh Hoa provincial Party Committee Standing Board, Secretary of the Cam Ranh municipal Party Committee, Khanh Hoa province
23. Nguyen Thi Tuyen, member of the Hanoi Party Committee, Secretary of the Chuong My district Party Committee, Hanoi deputy to the 12 th National Assembly
24. Nguyen Dac Vinh, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union
25. Vo Thi Anh Xuan, member of the An Giang provincial Party Committee Standing Board and Secretary of the Tan Chau town Party Committee, An Giang province./.

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