2019 Int’l Maths and Science Olympiad takes place in Hanoi

The 16th International Mathematics and Science Olympiad contest for primary students is taking place in Hanoi. This is the first time Hanoi has hosted the competition.

The annual contest for students under 13 years old aims to promote the interest of those from Vietnam and other countries in mathematics and science, creating an academic environment for students, and creating cooperative networks in teaching-learning of mathematics and science among world educational organizations.

Running with the theme of "Thinking - Innovation - Outstanding Skills", this year event operates with participants divided into two tables.

In Group A, 352 candidates from countries and territories will compete. In total the Vietnamese delegation has six teams competing in maths and science.

The first competition was organised in 2003 in Indonesia with 11 nations participating. Last year, Vietnam sent 23 students to the contest held in China. Twenty of them were from Hanoi and all of them got medals./.