A look back at John McCain’s activities

Senator John McCain, who helped lay the foundation for a cooperative Vietnam-US relationship, passed away on August 25 (US time) at the age of 81.
A look back at John McCain’s activities ảnh 1A photograph released in February 2000, by the Vietnam News Agency, shows the rescue of US pilot John McCain, centre, from Hanoi’s Truc Bach lake in 1967. (Photo: VNA)
A look back at John McCain’s activities ảnh 2John McCain is administered to at a hospital in Hanoi in North Vietnam as a prisoner of war in the autumn of 1967.
(Photo: AP)
A look back at John McCain’s activities ảnh 3Senator John McCain (centre) visited Vietnam Military History Museum in Hanoi on October 19, 1992. (Photo: AFP/VNA)
A look back at John McCain’s activities ảnh 4Senator John McCain at a press conference in Hanoi on January 19, 2012 as part of his visit to Vietnam
(Photo: AFP/VNA)
A look back at John McCain’s activities ảnh 5Senator John McCain ( R) at a meeting with General Secretary of the Communist Party of Vietnam Central Committee Nguyen Phu Trong during Trong's US visit in July, 2015 (Photo: AFP/VNA)
A look back at John McCain’s activities ảnh 6President Tran Dai Quang (right) welcomed Senator John McCain who led a US Senate delegation on a working trip to Vietnam in June, 2017.
(Photo: VNA)
A look back at John McCain’s activities ảnh 7Senator John McCain (centre) visited Cam Ranh International Port in Khanh Hoa province on June 2, 2017
(Photo: AFP/VNA)
A look back at John McCain’s activities ảnh 8Vietnamese Ambassador to US Pham Quang Vinh and Senator John McCain (Photo: VNA)
A look back at John McCain’s activities ảnh 9Senator John McCain in a press conference at the US Embassy in Sarajevo in April, 2017. (Photo: AFP/VNA)
A look back at John McCain’s activities ảnh 10Senator John McCain (centre), who was also Chairman of the US Senate Committee on Armed Services, spoke at a press conference in Washington, DC on October 25 (AFP/VNA)
A look back at John McCain’s activities ảnh 11Senator John McCain and his spouse Cindy in his presidential campaign in 2018 in his home town Phoneix, Arizona
(Photo: AFP/VNA)

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