Vinh Long is currently home to nearly 95 hectares of tra fish farmscertified with VietGAP, GlobalGAP/ASCC/BMP standards and twoGlobalGAP-standard breeding production facilities covering 6.3 hectares.
Ina bid to increase value and competitive capability of the local aquaticsector, the province has carried out a project on developinglarge-scale tra fish farms with advanced feeding systems in line withthe GlobalGAP/ASCC/BMP standards from 2011-2015. As a result, two farmswith a combined 10ha of fish farming ponds were awarded with GlobalGAPcertificates in February this year.
However, reforms in thesector have been slower than expectation due to difficulties inconnecting processing enterprises and local farmers. It is alsodifficult for the famers to access preferential capital, a barrier toaquaculture restructuring.
This year, the province aims to have100 percent of tra fish farming areas adopt internationally recognisedbreeding practice. It is also developing collectives and groups whichsupply healthy fish fry, fish food, techniques and environmentalmanagement methods for the farmers.
In addition, it isconsolidating the role of industry associations and organisations inlinking production and consumption, safeguarding benefits for bothsellers and buyers and increasing the efficiency of the aquaculturesector reforms.-VNA