AIPA-42: Vietnam gives ideas on enhancing parliamentary diplomacy

The Political Committee of the ASEAN Inter-Parliamentary Assembly (AIPA) held a meeting via videoconference on August 24 to debate draft resolutions to submit to the second plenary session of the 42nd AIPA General Assembly for approval.
AIPA-42: Vietnam gives ideas on enhancing parliamentary diplomacy ảnh 1Chairman of the National Assembly (NA) Committee for External Relations Vu Hai Ha attends the meeting. (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – The Political Committee of the ASEAN Inter-ParliamentaryAssembly (AIPA) held a meeting via videoconference on August 24 to debate draftresolutions to submit to the second plenary session of the 42nd AIPA GeneralAssembly for approval.

The Vietnamese delegation, led by Chairman of the National Assembly (NA)Committee for External Relations Vu Hai Ha, attended the discussion.

Participants focused on three major issues, namely strengthening cybersecurityand protecting database towards a self-reliance cyber space for ASEAN;promoting human security in the inclusive digital area in ASEAN; and increasingparliamentary diplomacy for the building of the ASEAN Community.

They reached consensus on four draft documents, including resolutions on theabove issues and a report of the 12th AIPA Caucus meeting.

AIPA-42: Vietnam gives ideas on enhancing parliamentary diplomacy ảnh 2The Vietnamese delegation at the event (Photo: VNA)

At the event, the Vietnamese delegation gave a number of ideas on cybersecuritycooperation and data protection within ASEAN, and the promotion of humansecurity as well as the enhancement of parliamentary diplomacy, whilesuggesting some solutions to bolster AIPA-ASEAN cooperation in these areas.

Amid complicatedCOVID-19 developments, Vietnam proposed all AIPA member parliaments increasethe sharing of information and experience in pandemic prevention and control aswell as their solutions to speed up economic recovery after the pandemic.

Vietnam also shared its experience in applying technological solutions servingtracing, alarming activities and social distancing and vaccination management.

Regarding measures to strengthen parliamentary diplomacy towards an ASEANCommunity, the Vietnamese delegation highlighted the role of parliaments ininstitutionalising international commitments of member countries in bothregional and global levels, along with strengthening supervision over theimplementation of commitments within international conventions.

AIPA member parliaments should play a positive role in the issuance, adjustmentand supplementation of legal documents with direct link to the promotion ofmutual understanding and cooperation among countries on the foundation ofequality and respect for each other legitimate rights and interest in line withinternational law, including the United Nations Convention on the Law of theSea (UNCLOS), thus reinforcing trust and ensuring principles of the UN Charterand the ASEAN Charter, helping to maintain peace, stability, security and boostingdevelopment.

Vietnam also stressed that parliamentary diplomacy needs to make morecontributions to promoting diplomatic ties among countries and nations, whilesupporting the governments of ASEAN member countries to increase regionalintegration and involvement in building the ASEAN Community with respect forthe law and taking people as its core, thus joining hands together to deal withglobal challenges like COVID-19./.


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