Al-qaeda linked group blamed for Jakarta blasts

Indonesian police confirmed on July 19 that regional terror outfit Jemaah Islamiyah is the culprits behind twin suicide blasts at Jakarta hotels, and said one of the bombers had been identified.
Indonesian police confirmed on July 19 that regional terror outfit Jemaah Islamiyah is the culprits behind twin suicide blasts at Jakarta hotels, and said one of the bombers had been identified.

“We confirm that the attackers are from Jemaah Islamiyah because there are similarities in the bombs used,” Indonesian national police spokesman Nanan Soekarna was quoted cited by the Jakarta Globe as telling a press conference the same day.

He said an exploded bomb left in a guestroom of the JW Marriott hotel, which was attacked along with the nearby Ritz-Carlton, resembled devices used in Bali attack and one discovered in a recent anti-JI raid on an Islamic boarding school.

“They are from the same school. We found similar tools, similar materials and similar methods,” he added.

The daily said Jemaah Islamiyah, an al-Qaida-linked militant network, has carried out dozens of bombings in Indonesia in the past decade including 2002 attacks in Bali that left more than 200 dead, mostly foreign tourists.

Police have identified one of the two suicide bombers who targeted the hotels during the breakfast period on July 17 when they were packed with foreign businessmen and diplomats.

“Following the preliminary results of facial reconstruction, both suicide bombers are male,” he said, quelling speculation that a woman was involved.

Immediate reports after the attack said nine people were killed in the bomb blasts. Yet, Indonesian Foreign Minister Hassan Wirayuda on July 18 put the toll at eight, including four foreigners and the two suicide bombers.

The suicide bombings at the JW Marriott and Ritz-Carlton hotels in Jakarta on July 17 are the first of their kind since 2005./.

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