AnGiang, the International Development Agency of Sweden and the SwedishEnergy Centre co-hosted a workshop themed “Energy and Sustainable Growthin An Giang – Potential Investment Projects and InternationalCooperation” in Ho Chi Minh City on October 3.
VuongBinh Thanh, Chairman of the An Giang People’s Committee, committed toproviding support to investors along with drastically reformingadministrative formalities for them.
In 2009, Swedenand Vietnam inked a 70 million USD development cooperationagreement for the 2009-2011 period, which also covered environment,renewable energy and climate change issues.
Over therecent past, Sweden has worked with An Giang in three projects onsustainable community development, improving the capacity of biomasspower generation and establishing a centre of excellence in renewableenergy and power efficiency.
The Mekong Delta provinceis seeking for Sweden’s continued assistance to develop projectsthat use renewable resources, like rice husks, which are available inlarge quantity in the post-harvest time, to generate power and biogasbased on clean development mechanism (CDM).
Nguyen DucCuong, an official from the Vietnam Institute of Energy, noted that aplenty of sugarcane bagasse, rice husks and wood waste can produce about118 million tonnes of biomass and 4.8 billion cubic metres of biogasannually for the country.
Vietnam now rankssecond in the world in export of rice husks with 8 million tonnes ayear. Rice husks-generated energy contributes significantly to the powersector’s sustainable development.-VNA