ANNOUNCEMENT: National External Information Service Awards 2018

Pursuant to regulations on the National External Information Service Awards 2018, the Council for the 2018 awards calls for submissions from media and publishing agencies, Vietnamese and foreigners.

Pursuant to regulations on the National External Information Service Awards 2018, the Council for National External Information Service Awards in 2018 calls for submissions from media and publishing agencies, Vietnamese and foreigners.


1. Content:

The entries must be timely, unbiased, standardised and scientific; influential nationally and internationally; and appreciated by the public. Submitted works must contribute to Vietnam’s external information service in at least one of the following four ways:

- Give accurate, timely and vivid information of domestic reality, the Party’s guidelines, the State’s policies, law and the Vietnamese stance on regional and international issues; reflecting the country’s achievements during the cause of national reform, stability, development and international integration.

- Promote a positive image of the country as well as Vietnamese culture, history and people to the world; counter fabricated information and false accusations about Vietnam.

- Confirm that overseas Vietnamese are an inseparable part of the Vietnamese nation and an important resource and factor to help strengthen the cooperation and friendship between Vietnam and the rest of the world.

- Help the overseas Vietnamese community and foreigners develop an in-depth and full understanding of Vietnam, mobilise their support in strengthening cooperation and friendship between Vietnam and other countries, facilitating national defence and construction.

2. Entry Regulations

2.1. Submissions can be in Vietnamese or a foreign language, and must have been broadcast via mass media and published in Vietnam or in a foreign country from January 1 to December 31, 2018.

2.2. Works which have already been honoured in other contests are eligible, but must clearly state the award, information about the specific award, the organiser and contest date.

2.3. Submissions must be free from copyright dispute since the release date.

2.4. Works ineligible for the awards include: a series of stories which are independent works of individual authors at different dates of publishing without a single name for the series; works pending assessment of competent agencies; photos manipulated using photo edit softwares.

2.5. Forms and genres:

Include: news, interview, personal narrative, commentary, treatise, reportage, investigative reports, radio broadcast and television broadcast, multi-media products, photo and book.

Printed newspaper:

One or a series of stories items (no more than five) must be by the same author or group of authors about the same events or topics.

If the entry was published in different languages, only one version is eligible for submission. Entrants must clarify the reason for selecting the language of the submitted entry. Entries in foreign languages do not need to be translated into Vietnamese.

Online newspaper:

One or a series of stories items (no more than five) must carry the characteristics of online newspaper, including multimedia items, by the same author or group of authors about the same event or topic. Online news entries must be created initially and exclusively for online newspapers. Entries republished from print newspapers are not eligible.

If the entry was published in different languages, only one version is eligible for submission. Entrants must clarify the reason for selecting the language of the submitted entry.

News websites:

One or a series of stories items (no more than five), including multimedia items by the same author or group of authors about the same event or topic. Online news entries must be created exclusively for news websites. Entries republished from print newspapers are not eligible.

If the entry was published in different languages, only one version is eligible for submission. Entrants must clarify the reason for selecting the language of the submitted entry.

Radio broadcast:

One or a series of stories (no more than five) about the same events or topics. The duration of a story is no more than 60 minutes. Entries must have clear sound quality for characters’ voices, noise and music. Sound used in the entry must be copyrighted.

Television broadcast:

One or a series of stories (no more than five) must be about the same event or topic. The duration of each programme is no more than 120 minutes. The entries must carry the characteristics of television broadcast. Footage, sound of entries must be quality and attractive. Footage and sound used in the entry must be copyrighted.

Press photo:

Including a single photograph or set of photos.

Sets of photos about the same matter may be submitted with no more than 10 photos, published in the same newspaper issue or at the same time (for online newspapers). Photos manipulated using photo editing software are not eligible.

Landscape photo:

Including a single photograph or set of photos.

Sets of photos about the same matter may be submitted with no more than 10 photos, published in the same newspaper issue or at the same time (for online newspapers). Photos manipulated using photo editing software are not eligible.

Book: One book or set of books published in Vietnamese or foreign languages related to external information service. If published and released in Vietnam, the submission must meet legal regulations of Vietnam.

3. Submission document guidelines

3.1. Author of entry

The author must be an individual author or group of authors who are Vietnamese or foreigners. Each individual author or group of authors is allowed to submit a maximum of seven works or sets of works.

Members of the final round’s jury board are not allowed to submit their entries.

3.2. Entry

Each entry must include:

+ Author information: full name, pen name, current title, workplace, mobile phone number, email address and home address.

+ A general introduction of the entry in Vietnamese language which should include the form, genre, main content, context of the story and outstanding features of the entry’s findings, influence and attraction.

For entries in print, online newspaper and news website: entry must be submitted in the original printed copies or copies from a printed newspaper or online newspaper, attached with links to the online newspaper and news website (for entries from online newspaper and news websites). If the entry includes several pieces, these must be pasted on A4 with page numbers and attached with one photocopy.

For radio broadcasts: entries must be copied on compact disc (CD) (each CD must contain only one entry), or USB drive (authors are encouraged to submit their entries via USB), with the name of the agency, author, entry, genre, duration and time of broadcast written on the cover, and a transcript of the entry, certified by the publication.

For television broadcasts: entries must be copied on DVD or USB drive, with the name of the agency, author, entry, genre, duration and time of broadcast written on the cover, and a detailed running-order sheet, certified by the publication.

For press photos: in addition to photos already published on newspaper or magazine, submissions must include enlarged photos on photographic paper sized 18cm x 24cm (single photo) and 12cm x 18cm (set of photos or photo news).

For landscape photos: in addition to photo already published on newspaper or magazine, submission must include enlarged photo on photographic paper sized 18cm x 24cm (single photo) and 12cm x 18cm (set of photos).

For books: Entries must be the original copy. If the entry is a translated book, it must be submitted with a consent paper from the author, the translator and the publishing house.

Note: Ineligible works are those that fail to meet the above requirements.

The organising board will not return contest entries.


The National External Information Service Awards 2018 offers prizes in the following categories: print newspaper (in Vietnamese and foreign languages); online newspaper (e-newspapers in Vietnamese and foreign language and news websites); radio broadcast; television broadcasts; photo (press photo, landscape photo); and book. Each category consists of first, second, third and consolation prizes.

The number of prizes is decided by the organising board.

1. The first, second, and third prize consists of

- National External Information Service Award 2018 trophy

- A certificate from the organizing board

- Cash prize

2. The consolation prize consists of

- A certificate from the organizing board

- Cash prize


Vietnam News Agency is the standing agency of the National External Information Service Awards 2018.

The contest is open to media agencies, publishing agencies, ministries, sectors, localities, representative agencies of Vietnam abroad, Vietnam’s friendship organisations, Vietnamese and foreigners. Contest entries must be submitted prior to March 31, 2019.

Please send entries to: The Office of the Vietnam Journalists’ Association chapter at Vietnam News Agency

Address: Fourth floor, 79 Ly Thuong Kiet Street, Hoan Kiem district, Hanoi

Tel: +84 24 39 33 45 87 or +84 0914 34 55 44


Please write “Submission for National External Information Service Awards 2018” in email subject or postal envelop


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