Anti-corruption dialogue focuses on prevention measures

The 13th anti-corruption dialogue between the Vietnamese Government and international donors and development partners was organised in Hanoi on November 26, seeking measures to prevent bribery and taking back bribes.
The 13th anti-corruption dialogue between the Vietnamese Governmentand international donors and development partners was organised in Hanoion November 26, seeking measures to prevent bribery and taking backbribes.

Addressing the event, Deputy PrimeMinister Nguyen Xuan Phuc, who is deputy head of the Central SteeringCommittee on Corruption Prevention and Control, thanked the donors,international organisations, domestic and foreign consultants andscholars for fulfilling their role and working closely with Governmentoffices in organising the dialogues.

Despitedifferences in ways to exchange information and experience relating tocorruption prevention between the Government and donors and developmentpartners, their fine collaboration will be maintained and continuegrowing, he added.

The Government officialaffirmed that over the past time, corruption prevention measures havebrought about positive results, particularly progresses inadministrative procedure reform relating to investment, land, taxationand customs.

Asset recovery is an important taskin the fight against corruption, but the work has yet to meet thedemand, he said, suggesting State management offices strengthen theirinspections and promote the role of people and press agencies in thiswork and related issues.

According to JusticeMinister Ha Hung Cuong, prevention is the first and most importantsolution in the fight against corruption, while asset recovery aims toaddress bad impact caused by bribery acts on the State resources and thesociety. They are the two main pillars of the United Nations Conventionon Anti-corruption (UNCAC), which will be examined during the secondcycle of UNCAC review mechanism of its member states, including Vietnam,starting from 2015, he stated.

UK Ambassador toVietnam Giles Lever said with the support of the internationalcommunity, Vietnam has been working hard to introduce and implement“best practice” measures on anti-money laundering and asset recovery.

Despite progress in these and other areas,major challenges remain , he said, adding that Vietnam still needs toimprove domestic coordination across organisations, and internationallywith other jurisdictions, in order to apply effectively the rules andframeworks which now exist.

Representatives of international donors and development partnersaffirmed their continuous assistance for the Vietnamese Government inthe fight.

Many participants suggested the Vietnamese Governmentcontinues implementing laws and legal documents relating to corruptionprevention and combat in an effective manner while building specificprogrammes to raise the awareness of people, press agencies andbusinesses and attract their involvement in this work.

According to statistics from the Supreme People’s Procuracy, fromOctober 1, 2010 to April 30, 2013, the total value of bribery assets andlosses caused by corruption was over 17 trillion VND (800 million USD),of which nearly 5 trillion VND was taken back, accounting for 29.4percent.

The government’s report onanti-corruption work in 2014 shows that so far this year, inspectionsbrought to light 54 corruption cases with total money of 68.5 billionVND, of which 46.9 billion VND was recovered.-VNA

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