Antimicrobial Resistance Week opens in Vietnam

A communication week on preventing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is underway across Vietnam from November 16-22.
Antimicrobial Resistance Week opens in Vietnam ảnh 1Illustrative Image (Source :VNA)

Hanoi  (VNA) – A communication week on preventing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) is underway across Vietnam from November 16-22.

The event, the first of its kind in Vietnam, was organised by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organisation (WHO) in Vietnam.

A series of activities was launched in 63 provinces and cities on November 16 to respond to the AMR, including conferences and workshops on antimicrobial resistance prevention, and meetings in all localities and medical units.

A Facebook fan page named “AMR Week 2015 Vietnam” was established to increase public awareness about antimicrobial resistance and commitment to antibiotic usage responsibility.

Director of the Medical Examination and Treatment Management Department under the Ministry of Health Luong Ngoc Khue said the week aims to draw more attention from the Party, Government, social organisations and health agencies to programmes for antimicrobial resistance prevention.

It also raises public awareness about implementing antimicrobial resistance prevention solutions in the health, agriculture and breeding sectors, contributing to easing the burden on national health, the economy and society, he added.-VNA


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