Hanoi (VNA) – The 53rd ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (AMM-53) tookplace online in Hanoi on September 9.
This is the first of theseries of the annual AMM and between ASEAN and partners, one of the key eventsin the ASEAN Year 2020.
During the event, ASEANforeign ministers said ASEAN has been continuously and actively strengtheningcooperation, maintaining the community building momentum as well as effectivelyresponding to the COVID-19 pandemic. Amid developments and increasinguncertainty in the world situation, including the ravaging pandemic, the riskof economic recession and increased competition among major countries, ASEANhas reaffirmed its strong commitment to maintaining the region of peace,stability, security and neutrality, in which international law is highlyrespected.
They agreed to continueefforts to implement the initiatives and priorities for the year, promote cooperation in response to the pandemic, and prepare acomprehensive post-pandemic recovery plan.
The FMs adopted the five-yearWork Plan (2021-2025) of the ASEAN Intergovernmental Commission on Human Rights(AICHR) and the AICHR Priority Programme in 2021.
Regarding externalrelations, they recommended conducting the ASEAN - Australia Summit annually,granting the development partnership status to Italy and France, whilecontinuing to consider proposals on becoming ASEAN's full dialogue partners of countries.They also approved measures to improve the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) workingmethods.
Discussing regional andinternational issues of common concern, the FMs reaffirmed the importance ofmaintaining and promoting peace, stability, security, safety and freedom ofnavigation in the East Sea.
They agreed that ASEAN shouldpersistently hold onto its principled position, emphasising self-restraints,peaceful settlement of all disputes on the basis of international law,including the 1982 UNCLOS.
Participants also reiteratedthe importance of fully and effectively implementing the Declaration on the Conductof Parties in the East Sea (DOC), striving to build an effective, substantive Code ofConduct in the East Sea (COC) in accordance with international law andthe 1982 UNCLOS.
They agreed thatASEAN needs to continue its efforts to jointly deal with non-traditionalsecurity challenges such as terrorism, transnational crime, maritime securityand safety, climate change, and epidemics.
ASEAN countries welcomed Vietnam, as the Chair of ASEAN 2020, for proactivelyputting forth initiatives, maintaining and promoting the coordination in COVID-19prevention and control as well as building the ASEAN Community andstrengthening the bloc’s centrality.
For his part, Vietnamese Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Pham BinhMinh suggested ASEAN exert more efforts and strengthen cooperation to overcome difficultiesand challenges, maintain the community building, and fully implement prioritiesand initiatives.
The official asked ASEAN to conduct an overallassessment of foreign relations, build and amend the criteriato consider the admission of a new dialogue partner.
Amid regional and global changes and instability, Minh suggested ASEAN strengthen solidarityand cooperation in views and actions on the basis of agreed principles,including those specified in the Declaration on the Importance of MaintainingPeace and Stability in Southeast Asia on August 8, 2020.
He expressed his concern over complicated developmentsand serious incidents in the East Sea which run contrary to international law and the 1982 UNCLOS, violate legitimate rights and interests of littoral nations, worsen tensions and cause harmsto peace and security in the East Sea.
Minh called on ASEAN to maintain solidarity and principledstance, stressing the bloc needs to continue promoting compliance withinternational law, particularly the 1982 UNCLOS.
Later the same day, he chaired a series of related meetings via video, including the Meeting of theSoutheast Asia Nuclear Weapon-Free Zone (SEANWFZ) Commission, the 27th ASEANCoordinating Council (ACC) Conference, and the Special Session of the ASEANCoordinating Council Meeting on Sub-regional Development./.

Remarks by PM Nguyen Xuan Phuc at AMM-53 opening ceremony
The following is the remarks by Prime Minister Nguyen Xuan Phuc at the opening ceremony of the 53rd ASEAN Foreign Ministers' Meeting and Related Meetings on September 9.