ASEAN businesses discuss trade opportunities

A forum on how to seize investment and trade opportunities in the ASEAN region took place in Jakarta, Indonesia, on November 23, gathering businessmen, economic experts and policy makers regionally and internationally.
ASEAN businesses discuss trade opportunities ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: Asia One)

Jakarta (VNA) – A forum on how to seize investment and trade opportunities in the ASEAN region took place in Jakarta, Indonesia, on November 23, gathering businessmen, economic experts and policy makers regionally and internationally.

Anangga W.Roosdiono, head of Indonesia’s ASEAN Business Advisory Council, highlighted how little regional enterprises know about the operation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) after nearly one year the AEC was established.

This restricted knowledge has hindered the growth of the AEC, he added.

He also acknowledged that ASEAN has made significant achievements in integrating into the global economy through advantages created by the AEC.

Participants said a stronger trade promotion campaign is needed to draw corporate participation in the ASEAN market.

They also pointed to challenges and opportunities facing ASEAN, which is the world’s seventh largest economy, as well as some of its member states like Singapore, Malaysia and Indonesia.

Talking to the Vietnam News Agency, Tan Choon Seng, chief representative in Southeast Asia of the Singapore-based ING bank, expressed his confidence in investment opportunities offered by the bloc, saying that his company is carrying out quite a few projects across this dynamic region./.

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