PhnomPenh (VNA) – The ASEAN-Cambodia BusinessSummit kicked off in Phnom Penh on September 28 by the European Chamber (EuroCham) in Cambodia and its partners.
Thetwo-day event features a premium networking event as well as bringingtogether leaders from Cambodia, Laos, Thailand, and Vietnam to promote economicintegration within the region and the rest of the world.
MartinBrisson, ExecutiveDirector of EuroCham Cambodia, said that thepurpose of the event was to promote Cambodia as an alternative investmentdestination to European companies.
At the summit, EuroChamCambodia will release its 2024 White Book, a comprehensive list of policyrecommendations covering 12 sectors, as well as its 2023 Business ConfidenceSurvey, a detailed survey among business leaders in Cambodia.
EuroCham Chairman TassiloBrinzer presented the White Book to Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister ofEconomy and Finance Aun Pornmoniroth.
After diving into the WhiteBook, keynote addresses were given on Cambodia’s investment goals and strategyand EU updates on trade and investment policy with Cambodia.
Cambodian Minister ofCommerce Cham Nimul also delivered a presentation on ASEAN’s economic andsocial progresses, the EU’s Global Gateway Strategy, and ways to developstrategic partnerships between ASEAN and Europe./.