Ambassador Le Hoai Trung, Permanent Representative of Vietnam to theUN made the statement at the Open Debate of the UN Security Council onAugust 6 in New York, which discussed cooperation between the UN andregional and subregional organisations in maintaining internationalpeace and security.
Trung said in the face of enormous changesand emerging paradigms in international peace and security, it iscritical to strengthen a regional-global cooperation and coordination.
During his speech, Trung underlined the active roleplayed by regional organisations over the world in the maintenance ofpeace and security together with the promotion of socio-economicdevelopment.
The Ambassador said that ASEAN-UNcooperation has been institutionalised with the adoption of aComprehensive Partnership. Under this framework, periodic ASEAN-UNinteractions at the highest levels have been established, includingASEAN-UN Summits and annual meetings between ASEAN Foreign Ministers andthe President of the General Assembly (GA) and the UN SecretaryGeneral.
Additionally, ASEAN member states haveactively and constructively contributed to the work of the UN in thefield of peace and security, Trung said.
He addedthat they have been authoring or taking part in negotiations ofimportant GA resolutions on peace and security; becoming members andchairing groups within the framework of the Peacebuilding Commission(PBC) and the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations andcontributing peacekeepers in the UN Peacekeeping missions.
On the basis of fine developing relations between the two sides, theASEAN and UN Secretariats had regular bilateral exchanges on peace- andsecurity-related issues such counter-terrorism and conflict preventionthrough organising workshops and training courses.
Ambassador Trung affirmed that the growing ASEAN-UN cooperation has beenbeneficial to international and regional peace and security, and thebuilding of the ASEAN Political-Security Community.
It also helped the two sides utilised their expertise and nichecapacity, thus contributing to regional capacity building, he said.
According to the Ambassador, ASEAN’s successes in the region provedthat in order to promote peace and security, it needs to enhancedialogue and mutual respect and conform to international laws, includingsolving all disputes in a peaceful manner.
Trungreiterated the strong commitment of ASEAN to further broadening anddeepening cooperation with the UN, especially in maintaininginternational and regional peace and security.
Tothat end, ASEAN stands ready to work closely with the UN and othermember states to rid the world of the scourges of war and conflict, heconcluded.-VNA