Bangkok (NNT/VNA) - The 4th Industrial Revolution might considerablyaffect developing countries. As ASEAN chair, Thailand has held an ASEAN meetingto discuss the 4IR issue and map a strategy to cope with it.
Director General of the Department of Trade Negotiations Oramon Sapthaweethamsaid that members of the special economic committee under the ASEAN ThreePillars and the related private sector participated in the meeting on concernsover the 4IR issue. It’s feared that over 50 percent of all human labour inASEAN member states will be replaced by automation. On the other hand, creatingmodern technology might prompt manufacturing industries to demand new workers.
The meeting discussed the strong points and weak points of 4IR and proposedpreparations for the ASEAN community in five respects: innovation andtechnology; human resources; laws and regulations; infrastructural connectivityand comprehensive and sustainable growth.
The 4IR challenges will be assessed and answered with concerted preparations.The meeting concluded that ASEAN needs to focus on coordination between theThree Pillars in a compatible and commonly profitable manner. Data is to bethoroughly shared between the Three Pillars, and strategies are to be set tomeet the 4IR challenges. The ASEAN Secretariat has been assigned to submit adraft strategic paper to the policy-making committee for the ASEAN ThreePillars. – NNT/VNA