The 7th Dialogue between the ASEAN Secretary-General and theFederation of Japanese Chambers of Commerce and Industry in ASEAN(FJCCIA) will be held in June in the Philippines.
According to a press release by the ASEAN Secretariat, ASEANSecretary-General Le Luong Minh met with Setsuo Iuchi, ChiefRepresentative for ASEAN and South Asia of Japan External TradeOrganisation (JETRO) on April 15 to discuss preparations for the event.
The Dialogue will discuss the follow-up to issues andrecommendations raised by the Japanese business community as well asprovide them an opportunity to share their views and inputs on the ASEANpost-2015 scenario.
This annual event has been held since itscommencement in 2008 and provides a forum for Japanese businesses toraise issues on ASEAN economic integration.
Also at themeeting, both sides exchanged views on the current progress of ASEANintegration and discussed issues of key importance to Japanese investorsin the integration process.
These include customs procedures,liberalisation of services, protection of intellectual property rights(IPRs), ASEAN+1 FTAs, harmonisation of standards, infrastructuredevelopment, and small and medium enterprise (SME) development.
Japan is the second largest source of foreign direct investment(FDI) inflow to ASEAN after the EU, and remains the second largesttrading partner of the grouping.-VNA
According to a press release by the ASEAN Secretariat, ASEANSecretary-General Le Luong Minh met with Setsuo Iuchi, ChiefRepresentative for ASEAN and South Asia of Japan External TradeOrganisation (JETRO) on April 15 to discuss preparations for the event.
The Dialogue will discuss the follow-up to issues andrecommendations raised by the Japanese business community as well asprovide them an opportunity to share their views and inputs on the ASEANpost-2015 scenario.
This annual event has been held since itscommencement in 2008 and provides a forum for Japanese businesses toraise issues on ASEAN economic integration.
Also at themeeting, both sides exchanged views on the current progress of ASEANintegration and discussed issues of key importance to Japanese investorsin the integration process.
These include customs procedures,liberalisation of services, protection of intellectual property rights(IPRs), ASEAN+1 FTAs, harmonisation of standards, infrastructuredevelopment, and small and medium enterprise (SME) development.
Japan is the second largest source of foreign direct investment(FDI) inflow to ASEAN after the EU, and remains the second largesttrading partner of the grouping.-VNA