ASEAN-UK open-ended troika virtual meeting held

Deputy Foreign Minister and head of the Vietnam ASEAN SOM Nguyen Quoc Dung attended the opened-ended troika virtual meeting between ASEAN foreign ministers and UK Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs and First Secretary of State Dominic Raab on April 8.
ASEAN-UK open-ended troika virtual meeting held ảnh 1Deputy Foreign Minister and head of the Vietnam ASEAN SOM Nguyen Quoc Dung (Photo: VNA)
Hanoi (VNA) - Deputy Foreign Minister and head of the Vietnam ASEAN SOM Nguyen Quoc Dung attended the opened-ended troika virtual meeting between ASEAN foreign ministers and UK Secretary of State for Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Affairs and First Secretary of State Dominic Raab on April 8.

At the event, Dung spoke highly of positive cooperation results between ASEAN countries and the UK over the time. 

He asked the UK to assist ASEAN members in improving national medical capacity and equitable vaccine distribution among countries in the region, as well as the implementation of the ASEAN Comprehensive Recovery Framework, maintenance of the supply chain, sustainable infrastructure investment, green growth and digital transformation.

He voiced his hope that the UK, assuming the presidency of the UN Climate Change Conference (COP26) this year, will actively support ASEAN nations in climate change adaptation, especially minimising the negative impact of climate change to the poor and vulnerable groups. 

The deputy FM underlined a necessity to ensure a peaceful, safe and stable environment which is favourable for prosperous development. 

Dung called on the UK, as a permanent member of the United National Security Council, to back efforts by ASEAN so as to promote dialogue, cooperation and trust building, and reinforce a rules-based order in the region. 

This was the second time that foreign ministers of ASEAN and their UK counterpart had joined the meeting via videoconference, following the first one chaired by Vietnam, as ASEAN Chair, last September. 

The sides discussed cooperation on tackling COVID-19, sustainable economic recovery and climate change adaptation.
ASEAN-UK open-ended troika virtual meeting held ảnh 2At the event (Photo: VNA)
The UK Secretary of State underlined that Southeast Asia has gained an increasingly important position in the UK’s foreign policy and also played a key part in contributing to peace, security and prosperity in the region.

Reeb affirmed that the UK will bolster efforts to join hands with ASEAN in fighting COVID-19, noting that his country presented a package worth 50 million GBP (68.8 million USD) to ASEAN’s response to COVID-19.

Delegates called on the sides to tap on each other’s potential. Countries joining the meeting are committed to enhancing collaboration in fighting the pandemic, improving medical capacity and ensuring vaccine supply.

They also consented to support sustainable economic recovery, re-open the markets, trade and clean energy development.

The countries will enhance coordination to boost the UK’s ties with ASEAN and to prepare for the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) hosted by the UK.

They exchanged views on the significance of maintaining peace, security and stability in the region, including maritime security and safety on the East Sea.

The countries also discussed recent developments in Myanmar, calling on stakeholders to exercise restraint and ensure safety for local people, and standing ready to help Myanmar seek dialogue in a bid to find sustainable measures to stabilise the situation and maintain democratic process./.

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