Nguyen Duy Anh, Rector of GAG Japanese Language Institute, was elected president of the association.
Anh thanked the ConsulateGeneral of Vietnam in Fukuoka for its support, and pledged to make every effort together withthe AVF Executive Committee to implement the resolutions of the congress and carry out more practical and effective activities to promote the unity in the Vietnamese community and contribute to the enhancement of the Vietnam-Japanfriendship.
For his part, Vietnamese Consul General in Fukuoka Vu Binhcongratulated the first-term AVF Executive Committee on its achievements which were of significance to a community of 20,000 Vietnamese people in Fukouka.
He also expressed his belief that the newExecutive Committee will devise specific action plans to successfully carryout the tasks and resolutions of the second congress, thus contributing to the building of a stable, growing and increasingly strong Vietnamese community.
Established in September 2019, the AVF has fulfilled the desire of many generations of Vietnamese people to havean official representative organisation of the Vietnamese community inFukuoka prefecture and the region. During the first term, the AVF has organisedmany meaningful activities towards the community such as the Vietnam New YearFestival in Fukuoka 2020; a Japanese speaking contest for apprentices; Smilecharity fair; a football tournament, and made contributions to Vietnam's COVID-19 vaccine fund.
In the second term, the AVF is expected to focus onactivities to build a strong and united community and contribute to thedevelopment of Vietnam-Japan relations./.