Australia, India look to build prosperous Indo-Pacific

Australia’s Foreign Minister Marise Payne will visit India to deepen the relations between her country and the fastest growing economy in the world.
Australia, India look to build prosperous Indo-Pacific ảnh 1Australia’s Foreign Minister Marise Payne  (Source: Internet)

Sydney (VNA) – Australia’s Foreign Minister Marise Payne will visit India to deepen the relations between her country and the fastest growing economy in the world.

This is the first visit of the Australian official to India as foreign minister.

During the visit, Payne will meet Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi and senior ministers of the host country at the annual Raisina Dialogue.

As scheduled, the Australian FM will point out how Australia and India can work together to build a prosperous Indo-Pacific region at the dialogue, and highlight the importance of the Quadrilateral Security Dialogue between the US, Australia, India, and Japan, which has remained stagnant, for regional stability.

She will show support for the 21-member Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA), considering this a driving force for economic development in the region.

Previously in November last year, Indian President Ram Nath Kovind in his first visit to Australia held talks with Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison on bilateral issues.

The two sides signed many agreements to enhance investment and boost cooperation in important fields such as agricultural research, education, and issues related to people with disabilities. The Australian PM announced his country’s policy for the India Economic Strategy, towards strengthening the relationship between the two countries. –VNA 

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