Bac Giang eyes potential investors from Europe, America

The northern province of Bac Giang will continue to focus on innovating and enhancing the quality of investment attraction in the coming time, according to the provincial People's Committee.

An overview of Van Trung industrial park in Viet Yen District, Bac Giang province (Photo: VNA)
An overview of Van Trung industrial park in Viet Yen District, Bac Giang province (Photo: VNA)

Bac Giang (VNA) – The northern province of Bac Giang will continue to focus on innovating and enhancing the quality of investment attraction in the coming time, according to the provincial People's Committee.

Specifically, the province will concentrate resources on developing infrastructure in local industrial zones and clusters to lure investment, focusing on removing bottlenecks and speeding up infrastructure investment in industrial zones that have been approved by the Prime Minister for expansion or new establishment.

Attention will be paid to developing industry towards an “Industrial Ecosystem” model, linking industrial zones with urban and service areas with synchronous and modern technical and social infrastructure.

The province will prioritise attracting large-scale industrial projects in processing, manufacturing, high-tech application, smart production, artificial intelligence (AI), green transition, and green energy with high added value, clean technology, and industrial products for export. Special emphasis is placed on semiconductor industry projects with high added value that connect with global production and supply chains.

By 2025, Bac Giang aims to attract key projects, shifting the service industry by leveraging geographical advantages such as logistics services, entertainment, sports, and golf. The province will focus on developing service systems to support industrial development and promoting growth of digital economy and e-commerce.

The province will devise programmes to connect local businesses with foreign companies' supply chains to create competitive advantages, retain investors, and attract new projects. Necessary conditions, especially in infrastructure, human resources, and land, will be prepared to proactively capture the influx of foreign investment, particularly high-quality capital sources with advanced technology and semiconductor production, and adherence to investment regulations and labour requirements for non-State investment projects.

It will prepare necessary conditions, especially infrastructure, human resources, and premises to proactively anticipate the flow of foreign investment capital, especially high-quality capital with advanced technology.

Furthermore, Bac Giang will enhance dialogue with enterprises to promptly address their difficulties, proactively resolve business proposals and recommendations, particularly regarding capital, market access, labour, and material costs, to help them stabilise production, boost supply chain recovery, and create new production capacity./.


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