Bac Giang rearranges, streamlines political apparatus

The provincial Party Committee of the northern province of Bac Giang will push ahead with the implementation of the Party Central Committee’s Resolution 18-NQ/TW dated October 25, 2017 on continuing to reform, rearrange the political system’s organizational apparatus towards compactness and efficiency.
Bac Giang rearranges, streamlines political apparatus ảnh 1Bac Giang Party Committee's Inspection Commission staff (Photo:
Bac Giang (VNA) – The provincial Party Committee of the northern province of Bac Giang will push ahead with the implementation of the Party Central Committee’s Resolution 18-NQ/TW dated October 25, 2017 on continuing to reform, rearrange the political system’s organizational apparatus towards compactness and efficiency.

Accordingly, Party committees and Party organisations at all levels, particularly their head officials, must seriously draw lessons from past work in the field of re-arranging and perfecting the organizational apparatus, streamlining and reshuffling the contingent of officials and employees, and overcome difficulties so as to create positive and strong changes in both terms of awareness and actions in this work. They are also instructed to intensify leadership, supervision and inspection during the process.

At the same time, the provincial Party Committee will strengthen its leadership and focus its direction on the re-arrangement of district-level administrative units, while continuing to review the functions, tasks and organisation of agencies and units with a view to proposing supplements and adjustments to any detected flaws and problems.  

The province is to accelerate the re-arrangement and re-organisation of public non-business units, allow more public non-business units to switch to financial autonomy, accelerate the conversion of public non-business units into joint stock companies, and improve personnel management in the political system.

The province has proposed the National Assembly’s Standing Committee to consider revisions to its Resolution 1211/2016/UBTVQH13 in the direction of reducing the requirement on acreage for administrative units at district and communal levels. It also asked the Ministry of Home Affairs to early issue detailed guidance on the functions, tasks, authority and organizational structure of public non-business units.

After five years implementing Resolution 18-NQ/TW, Bac Giang has recorded significant results in reforming and re-arrangement of the organizational apparatus of the political system toward compact organization and effective and efficient operation.

Units in the province’s political system have been re-organised in accordance with the situation in the locality and become more streamlined and efficient. The functions, tasks, power and responsibility of each unit have become clearer, preventing overlapping and gaps.  

Bac Giang has reduced the number of internal units, eliminating two provincial-level units, 60 components of provincial agencies and departments, 101 components of district-level administrations, 66 components of units under provincial departments. Accordingly, the number of officials holding leading and managerial positions was also cut significantly, including 6 deputy heads of agencies and 136 deputy heads of sections.

The province has over-fulfilled the targets in personnel streamline set by the Politburo’s Resolution 39-NQ/TW. The contingent of employees in the provincial apparatus has been reduced by 10.5% (the target is 10%), and the number of administrative units at communal level was down by 21. The number of public employees at communal level has decreased by 538, saving about 120 billion VND (over 5 million USD at current exchange rate) a year in State budget spending for communal administration.

Besides, the number of village-level administrative units was down by 374, resulting in the reduction of around 4,000 part-time employees. The number of public non-business units dropped by 154, while there are 26 more public non-business units operating with financial autonomy.

The rate of Party members among village heads has increased fast to 92%.

Bac Giang continues to improve the efficiency of administrative reform, focusing on reviewing, reducing and simplifying administrative procedures serving people and businesses.

This year, Bac Giang aims to reduce at least 10% of administrative procedures to reduce wait times to an average of 20 minutes per transaction.

In the remaining months of the year, Bac Giang will focus on reforming the State administrative apparatus, civil service, public finance, and building and developing e-government and digital government./.

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