Bac Kan moves to turn Ba Be into national tourist site

The northern province of Bac Kan aims to develop Ba Be into a national tourist site and make tourism a key sector, thereby boosting the locality’s socio-economic development.
Bac Kan moves to turn Ba Be into national tourist site ảnh 1At a Ba Be Spring festival (Source: VNA)
Bac Kan (VNA) – The northern province of Bac Kan aims to develop Ba Be into a national tourist site and make tourism a key sector, thereby boosting the locality’s socio-economic development.

Accordingly, the province will develop comprehensive infrastructure, high-quality and diversified tourism products, brand names and high competitiveness.

Efforts will be made to preserve and promote local historical values, cultural identity, thus improving the spiritual and material living conditions for residents while protecting natural resources and the environment.

By 2030, the locality aims to draw 50,000 international tourists and 1.5 million domestic visitors, earn 4.2 trillion VND (184.8 million USD), and have 6,000 hotel rooms. The sector targets creating jobs for 27,000 labourers.

According to Director of the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism Ha Van Truong, the sector will give priority to developing landscape and tourism products in Ba Be and nearby areas, such as caves, waterfalls, islands, traditional festivals and performances.

Investment will also be poured into resorts, entertainment areas and extreme tours in the Ba Be National Park.

From 2016 to 2030, nearly 9.4 trillion VND (413 million USD) will be earmarked for tourism development. The province will mobilise different resources for the sector, Truong said.

Human resource training and publicity campaigns will be strengthened to enhance community awareness of the role of tourism in development. Promotion events will be conducted to foster links in tourism development.-VNA

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