Bac Kan works to optimise NGO assistance

The northern mountainous province of Bac Kan has disbursed 4.9 million USD of the 5.7 million USD in assistance from non-governmental organisations (NGO) in the past five years, noted a provincial leader at a recent meeting with a working group from the Committee for NGO Affairs.
The northern mountainous province of Bac Kan has disbursed 4.9 million USD of the 5.7 million USD in assistance from non-governmental organisations (NGO) in the past five years, noted a provincial leader at a recent meeting with a working group from the Committee for NGO Affairs.

According to Do Thi Minh Hoa, Vice Chairwoman of the provincial People’s Committee, NGO aid in 34 projects and programmes has significantly contributed to solving urgent matters of the locality, benefiting locals and helping fulfil the province’s socio-economic growth targets.

A number of infrastructure projects in the locality have helped to improve local living conditions, she said, adding that the diversity of projects has raised the level of activity and responsibility of the locality and its community.

However, Hoa pointed out that the province is facing a number of problems during the disbursement, implementation and management of the projects and programmes, including the lack of sufficient relevant regulations as well as limited capacity in corresponding capital and human resources.

Moving forward, she said the province will focus on calling for support in healthcare, schools, sanitation, disaster relief and environmental protection.

The province will continue fostering relations with NGOs operating in the locality while creating a favourable environment to attract more investment, said Hoa, adding that Bac Kan also plans to open training courses for local officials on NGO assistance-related work.-VNA

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