Bac Lieu moves to maximise maritime economic potential

Bac Lieu province, which boasts over 53 kilometres of coastline, earmarked substantial funding for tapping and turning its maritime potential into an advantage for the locality's economic development.
Bac Lieu moves to maximise maritime economic potential ảnh 1Processing shrimp for export in a company in Bac Lieu (Source: VNA)

 The Mekong Delta province of Ba Lieu, which boasts over 53 kilometres of coastline, has earmarked substantial funding for tapping and turning its maritime potential into an advantage for the locality’s economic development.

Bac Lieu has thousands of high-capacity fishing boats, meeting offshore fishing demand and contributing to exploiting a large volume of seafood products every year.

As many as 43 fishery logistics teams have been established in the locality, fostering the efficiency of the provincial fisheries sector. In the first nine months of this year, the province’s seafood yield hit nearly 229,000 tonnes, equal to 79 percent of the target set for the year and up 4 percent over the same period last year. The locality shipped over 32,000 tonnes of frozen shrimp abroad, raking in 310 million USD in the period.

Local authorities are focusing on developing the shrimp farming model - its strong sector - while directing local farmers to apply new aquaculture models to minimise shrimp disease s .

Towards promoting sea-base economy, the locality issued three resolutions which target a production value from maritime sectors of over 21 trillion VND (954 million USD) in 2015 and a growth rate of nearly 14 percent a year.

To that end, local authorities are concentrating resources on developing projects for local coastal areas. The province is building a Ganh Hao economic zone in Dong Hai district while planning transport routes, multiplying offshore fishing teams and constructing fishing ports in the mouths of the Ganh Hao, Nha Mat and Cai Cung rivers.

Once completed and operational, the projects are expected to motivate economic development in the Mekong Delta region, increase local attractiveness to investors and generate jobs in the maritime service and tourism sectors, contributing to poverty reduction, socio-economic development and national defence safeguarding.

Along with implementing Decree 67 CP/2014/ND-CP and a plan to restructure the development and protection of local aquaculture resources by 2020 by improving added value and promoting sustainable development, the locality continues to grant catch certificates to fishing boats serving exports to European markets.

Electrical and irrigation infrastructure facilities, fishing ports and shelters for vessels are also being erected in aquaculture and coastal areas.

The locality is simultaneously working to create favourable conditions for fishermen to access credit sources to upgrade and build ships while updating them with the latest information on fishing grounds and weather conditions at sea, helping them effectively operate.

There are 25 businesses operating in processing and exporting seafood products as well as over 33 processing factories with a total capacity of over 100,000 tonnes per year. These facilities are promoting connections with local farmers to create a stable raw material area to process exports.-VNA


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