Of the sum, theinvestment flow from foreign direct investment (FDI) projects exceeded 2.8billion USD, while the rest came from domestic projects.
In July alone,the province licensed 10 new projects with a total registered capital of 29.44million USD, of which 21.28 million USD from FDI projects.
Bac Ninhprovince has given priority to the hi-tech, supporting and manufacturingindustries. Besides, local authorities have held frequent meetings withbusinesses to address their difficulties, fostered production and raised theefficiency of local industrial parks and clusters.
In addition, theprovince has reviewed and further improved its investment climate whilesimplifying administrative procedures, especially in the fields related to land,construction, labour and customs.
The Bac Ninh ManagementBoard of Industrial Park has to date granted 1,138 investment certificates to401 domestic and 737 foreign firms, with a combined registered capital of over16.1 billion USD.-VNA