Hanoi (VNA) – The northern province of Bac Ninhremains a bright spot in the industrial property market in the north, taking thelead in supply and demand for industrial activities, said experts from SavillsVietnam.
Despite COVID-19 pandemic,occupancy rate of industrial property in several provinces in northern keyeconomic region remains stable, amounting to 87 percent of the total and 20,567haup for lease, up 2.35 percent annually. Bac Ninh and Hanoi continue leading theregion.
With 15 projects, Bac Ninhled the northern key economic region with 5,797ha of industrial parks (IPs) andaverage occupancy rate of 99 percent. It also recorded the largest number ofapproved projects in the first quarter this year with five IPs to be built.
Its supply of factoriesand warehouses was also 10.25 percent higher than the country’s. It wasfollowed by Hai Phong with 7.61 percent, Hai Duong 4.78 percent and Thai Nguyen4.61 percent.
The capital city of Hanoiwitnessed a slight increase of 1 percent, reaching 91 percent in occupancy rate with13 projects, ranking second in the region, ahead of Hai Duong with 86 percent,Vinh Phuc and Hung Yen each 88 percent.
Manager of Savills VietnamIndustrial Services John Campbell expressed his belief that lease activitieswill be more effective next year with more supplies when social distancingorder in several areas is lifted.
Le Huy Dong, Manager ofIndustrial Services at Savills Hanoi highlighted huge potential of IPs in thenorth as a number of new foreign-invested enterprises seek land at reasonablerent prices and areas with abundant supply of land./.