Bamboo Airways keeps target

Bamboo Airways will not change its market share target in 2020 despite the COVID-19 pandemic, though the minimum fleet plan will be reduced from 50 to 40 aircraft.
Bamboo Airways keeps target ảnh 1Illustrative image (Source: Bamboo Airways)

Hanoi (VNA) -
Bamboo Airways will not change its market share target in 2020 despite the COVID-19 pandemic, though the minimum fleet plan will be reduced from 50 to 40 aircraft.

Bamboo Airways' target of 30 percent market share by the end of 2020 is unchanged, which focuses primarily on the domestic routes that Bamboo Airways determined as important ones, Trinh Van Quyet, Bamboo Airways' Chairman announced at an online meeting between senior managers last week.

Quyet said that with this plan, Bamboo Airways will adjust its target of increasing the fleet to at least 40 aircraft by the end of 2020.

The carrier aimed for the goal of 50 aircraft as planned at the end of 2019 if transport demand recovers better than expected, favourable market conditions and business activities meet the requirements for scaling up in the third and fourth quarter./. 

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