Belarus to support Hanoi in developing public transport

Visiting Belarusian Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Semashko has shared his country’s wish to expand links with Hanoi, especially in developing public transport.
Belarus to support Hanoi in developing public transport ảnh 1Buses in Hanoi (Photo: VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Visiting Belarusian Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Semashko has shared his country’s wish to expand links with Hanoi, especially in developing public transport.

During a working session with Vice Chairman of the municipal People’s Committee Nguyen Van Suu on October 24, Semashko suggested Hanoi ’s authorities consider cooperation with Belarus in developing metro lines and electricity-powered bus system in the city.

Belarusian corporations have experience in assembling and manufacturing automobile spare parts and environmentally friendly vehicles, he said, adding that his country willingly supports Hanoi in the field.

He also proposed connection with Hanoi in light industry and trade-service, saying that Belarus is willing to give tax incentives to Vietnamese enterprises and those from Hanoi in particular, if they pour investment into the Eastern European country.

For his part, Suu said that public transport development is one of the urgent targets of Hanoi.

According to the official, the capital city is calling for investment in constructing eight railway and metro lines in the coming time. The city is also seeking to replace existing public vehicles with gas and electricity–powered ones.

He said the municipal authorities will send a working delegation including representatives from departments and sectors, to Belarus in the time ahead to study cooperation opportunities between the two sides.

Both host and guest agreed to work closely to enhance win-win collaboration, laying a foundation for their sustainable connection in the future.-VNA


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