Binh Dinh succeeds in developing united fishery groups

United fishery groups in the central coastal province of Binh Dinh have proven effective, contributing to further developing the sea-based economy and protecting the country’s sea and island sovereignty.
United fishery groups in the central coastal province of Binh Dinh have proven effective, contributing to further developing the sea-based economy and protecting the country’s sea and island sovereignty.

The groups reinforce solidarity and connections among fishermen by uniting and helping them work more effectively, ensuring their safety in case of natural calamities.

According to Mai Kim Thi , head of the provincial Department of Aquatic Resource Exploitation and Protection , Binh Dinh has 265 united groups, with the participation of 1,055 fishing ships. Each group is made up of 3-5 ships.

The groups create trust and reliable support for fishermen. Group members always stand together and support each other at sea.

They also share information on fishing grounds and the weather as well as their experience in catching and selling fish, thus improving living standards for members of the groups.

The activity of the groups creates favourable conditions for local authorities to raise public awareness of the country’s sovereignty and the exclusive economic zone.
In 2013, the province registered a fishing output of 189,500 tonnes, 11.5 percent more than the target set for the year.

In a recent working session with the provincial authorities, National Assembly Chairman Nguyen Sinh Hung asked the central coastal province of Binh Dinh to support fishermen to create wealth from the sea.

He said that the province has vast potential for developing its sea-based economy and it should fully tap its strengths to further promote the locality’s economic growth in the future.-VNA

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