Of the sum, more than 482million USD has been poured into 44 new projects, over 799 million USD added to23 existing projects, and 225.4 million USD spent on contributing capital to orbuying stakes in 81 projects.
Notably, the province hasrecorded 14 million USD in FDI since September 15, when it returned to the newnormal.
Up to 88 percent of the surveyedFDI firms in Binh Duong believed that their production and business situationin the fourth quarter will be stable or improve compared to Q3, while 12percent said they will face difficulties, according to the latest surveyconducted by local authorities.
Bui Minh Tri, Head of theBinh Duong Industrial Zones Authority, said as of October 28, 1,968 enterprisesor over 96 percent those based in local industrial parks had resumedoperations. Nearly 373,000 labourers (76 percent) have returned to work.
Companies have quicklyrestored production and business activities with COVID-19 prevention andcontrol ensured, he noted.
During the first nine monthsof this year, the index of industrial production in Binh Duong grew 2.9 percentyear on year while total retail sales of goods and consumer service revenuerose 1.9 percent, compared to the respective increases of 6.7 percent and 10.9percent in the same period of 2020.
The province posted a tradesurplus of 4.62 billion USD in the nine-month period, compared to a surplus of4.48 billion USD during January - September last year./.