Blueprint for realising ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community goals approved

The Prime Minister has approved a master plan to meet ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) goals by 2025.
Blueprint for realising ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community goals approved ảnh 1ASCC ensures equal access to social welfare (Photo: baodansinh)

Hanoi (VNA)
- The Prime Minister has approved a master plan to meet ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC) goals by 2025.

By the end of this year, ministries, sectors, centrally-run cities and provinces will have their action plans for the blueprint with a view to raising public awareness about the ASCC and mobilising resources to ensure efficient implementation of targets to build a united, sustainable, self-resilient and dynamic ASCC.

The blueprint will enhance capacity for all levels, branches and localities to improve the public involvement in building, implementing, examining and evaluating ASCC programmes, policies and activities.

It will help reduce barriers and inequality in all sectors of life, as well as fostering equal access to social welfare and services and developing human resources. It will also enhance public capacity to respond to major threats to people’s health.-VNA


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