Book Festival bustling in Thang Long royal citadel

The 2015 Book Festival themed "Books and Heritage" opened in Thang Long royal citadel in Hanoi on September 29 to mark the 61st anniversary of the capital city's Liberation Day (October 10).
Book Festival bustling in Thang Long royal citadel ảnh 1The festival runs from September 29 - October 5, 2015 (Source: VNA) 
Book Festival bustling in Thang Long royal citadel ảnh 2The book festival aims to highlight the beauty in the daily life in Hanoi and honour the reading culture for the development of a learning society. (Source: VNA)
Book Festival bustling in Thang Long royal citadel ảnh 3The event also presents opportunities for readers to have an insight ​into the long-standing tradition of Thang Long - Hanoi, contributing to educating Hanoians and people nationwide about historical significance of the capital's Liberation Day. (Source: VNA) 
Book Festival bustling in Thang Long royal citadel ảnh 4A book model featuring Party - Uncle Ho by the National Political Publishing House. (Source: VNA) 
Book Festival bustling in Thang Long royal citadel ảnh 5A book model themed Hanoi - the civilised and heroic capital for peace by the Hanoi Publishing House. (Source: VNA)
Book Festival bustling in Thang Long royal citadel ảnh 6The highlight of the event includes the Knowledge Gate, the Book Road (decorated with overhead hung books) in the centre of the Thang Long royal citadel. (Source: VNA)
Book Festival bustling in Thang Long royal citadel ảnh 7Old books are showcased at the event. (Source: VNA)
Book Festival bustling in Thang Long royal citadel ảnh 8The organising board calls on participating units and visitors to ​donate books to school libaries, post offices in difficult areas in the capital, as well as to soldiers and people in the island district of Truong Sa (Spratly). (Source: VNA) 
Book Festival bustling in Thang Long royal citadel ảnh 9Classic works of literature draw attention. (Source: VNA)
Book Festival bustling in Thang Long royal citadel ảnh 10This woman finds books she's been looking for at the event. (Source: VNA)
Book Festival bustling in Thang Long royal citadel ảnh 11Discounted books are offered at the festival. (Source: VNA)

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