Book on President Ho Chi Minh published in China

China’s World Knowledge Publishing House has published a book on President Ho Chi Minh on the occasion of the 60 th founding anniversary of the China-Vietnam diplomatic ties.
China’s World Knowledge Publishing House has published a book on President Ho Chi Minh on the occasion of the 60 th founding anniversary of the China-Vietnam diplomatic ties.

The 296-page book titled “Ho Chi Minh – a legendary life” is authored by former Chinese Ambassador to Vietnam Li Jia Zhong. It is divided into four chapters following the president’s life since his young days until he wrote the famous testament: his journey abroad to seek the way to liberate the country, his leadership in the August Revolution and the struggles against the French colonialists and the US aggressors as well as stories about Ho Chi Minh with many photos.

In the foreword of the book, the head of the China Diplomatic Writers Association Wang Chou praised President Ho Chi Minh as a great leader of the Vietnamese people and a close friend of the Chinese people.

Wang said the President had devoted all his life to national liberation and independence and stood side by side with the Chinese people in the most difficult time of its revolution.

With a revolutionary spirit and an upright life, Ho Chi Minh is forever a bright example for us to follow, he said.

He said he hoped the book would enhance the friendship and mutual understanding between the two Parties, States and peoples./.

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