Bronze cannon dating back to feudal era introduced to public

During the fight against the French colonial empire, the Nguyen Dynasty (1802-1945) put into the battle bronze cannons, with many of them being lost to the enemy.

During the fight against the French colonial empire, the Nguyen Dynasty (1802-1945) put into the battle bronze cannons, with many of them being lost to the enemy. Such a cannon was unearthed on a beach in Lien Chieu district and exhibited in Dien Hai citadel, drawing attention of both locals and visitors.

Dien Hai citadel and bronze cannons were standing at the forefront of the warface against French and Spanish coalition forces during 1858 to 1860. Due to their historic significance, the discovery of a bronze cannon dating back to the period draw great attention from local authorities, researchers and people from all walks of life.

The gun, 1.75m in length and about 200kg in weight, was found at a construction site of a sea dyke project along Lien Chieu beach in Hoa Hiep Nam ward, Lien Chieu district in May. It is now considered an invaluable treasure in Da Nang city.

For Vietnamese people, historical items representing the heroic struggles of forefathers for independence always ignite national pride and patriotism.-VNA