The department along with the Sai Gon Passenger Transport Co Ltd pilotedthe system at the end of 2009 on 11 buses on Route 152 from Ben ThanhMarket to Tan Son Nhat Airport .
It hassince worked with other transport operators like Quyet Thang, QuyetTien, and May19 to install the machines on their 150 buses on sevenroutes.
Phung Dang Hai, head of the TransportCo-operative Union, told Tin Tuc (News) newspaper that passengers preferthe new system because they no longer have to put up with conductors.
Nguyen Tuan Minh, a resident of district 7 and aregular commuter by Bus No 38 to Dam Sen Park in district 11, concurredsaying the machine has helped "improve" bus services.
It is a common complaint among passengers that conductors are oftensullen when they produce season tickets since they lose theircommission.
The Centre of Public PassengersManagement and Operation reported that the number of passengerstravelling on buses with ticket machines has increased by 17.4 percentsince the end of last year.
The May 19 TransportCo-operative Bus No 66 from Cho Lon bus station in district 6 to AnSuong bus station in Hoc Mon district has seen a 40 percent increase.
Hai also said the system has helped cut costs andlosses caused by some unscrupulous collectors who pocketed part of thefare.
Le Hai Phong, head of the centre, saidincreased awareness among passengers and efforts by transport companieswill add to the sucess of the programme.
Sai Gon Passenger Transport will install the machines on four routes this month, according to the Centre. /.