Hanoi (VNA) - As of July, businesses nationwide owed socialinsurance premiums totalling over 20.6 trillion VND (887.6 million USD) due tothe coronavirus crisis, according to Vietnam Social Insurance (VSI).
To remove the difficulties facing affected enterprises, VSI has directedthe suspension of contributions to the retirement and survivorship funds of socialinsurance programmes in cities and provinces.
As a result, as at June, nearly 1,520 businesses had been approved to suspendsuch contributions.
VSI also issued a document in August guiding social insurance agenciesin localities on the suspension of contributions to December.
According to Deputy Director of VSI Tran Dinh Lieu, more than 15.2million people joined social insurance in the January-July period. Over 12.7million people had unemployment insurance, and more than 85.9 millionhealth insurance, or 88.8 percent of the population.
The number of people taking part in compulsory social insurance, healthinsurance, and unemployment insurance fell compared to last year due to theimpact of COVID-19, he said. But voluntary participation continued toincrease./.