Cambodia faces risk of COVID-19 spreading to more localities

Cambodia is facing the possibility of more provinces being affected by the prevailing COVID-19 February 20 Community Event which broke out on the same date in the capital.
Phnom Penh (VNA) - Cambodia is facing the possibility of more provinces being affected by the prevailing COVID-19 February 20 Community Event which broke out on the same date in the capital.

The  community event had its roots several days before the announcement of the February 20 Event, at the Sokha Hotel when four escapees, two of whom tested positive and were suspected of having the UK strain of the virus, went from one condominium to another and also to a popular nightclub, reported local media.

Along the way, they left a trail of COVID-19 positive cases which has now spread to Sihanoukville with a total of 115 cases (including a handful of imported cases), Kandal, Svay Rieng with 2 cases, and now Kampong Thom and Prey Veng.

Earlier on March 6, Kandal province sent 723 people in Yong Yuan in Koh Thom to quarantine after a Chinese man in this site was diagnosed with COVID-19.              

As of 8am of March 6, the Health Ministry of Cambodia confirmed 34 additional cases of COVID-19, raising the total number of infections to 987, including 510 recoveries./.

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