Cambodia’s general election on track: Prime Minister Hun Sen

Hours after Cambodia’s Supreme Court ordered the dissolution of the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) on November 16, Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen declared that the general election in 2018 will take place as planned.
Cambodia’s general election on track: Prime Minister Hun Sen ảnh 1Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen (Photo: AFP/VNA)

Hanoi (VNA) – Hours after Cambodia’s Supreme Court ordered the dissolution of the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) on November 16, Prime Minister Samdech Hun Sen declared that the general election in 2018 will take place as planned.

During a broadcast on state television, PM Hun Sen called for restraint after the CNRP’s dissolution, saying that the upcoming election will be held normally.

Members of the opposition party who are not banned from political activities can form a new party, he added.

The Cambodia Supreme Court ordered the dissolution of the CNRP in response to the Interior Ministry's lawsuit. The court ruling also bans 118 senior officials of the party from politics for five years from the date of this verdict issuance.

The Supreme Court is the highest rung in Cambodia’s justice system, and once its decision is handed down, there is no recourse for appeal.

The Interior Ministry accused the CNRP of seriously violating the amended Law on Political Parties, saying the party had conspired with foreigners to topple the government. CNRP leader Kem Sokha was arrested on September 3 on charges of treason while more than half of the party’s leaders left Cambodia.

Cambodia’s senate election is scheduled to take place on February 25, 2018.

Founded in 1999, the senate has 61 seats, but only 57 senators will be elected, as two senators are appointed by King Norodom Sihamoni and the other two by the parliament's lower house.

In the last election held in January 2012, PM Hun Sen's ruling Cambodian People's Party won 46 seats.-VNA


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